During my first mushroom trip, I was facing a lot of deviant Babylonian spirit energy and my thoughts were overwhelming, i looked in the mirror and I started to shapeshift into a dragon, and then the thoughts became less intense, energy was pulsating throughout my body, I felt like I could jump 80 ft high, and my body literally turned into a dragon, the same dragon with the creepy face came to me in a dream last night and told me I come from a bloodline of dragon lords and that I was a dragon lord in a past life, he was chasing me and scaring me to somehow empower me and help me remember who I am, and then he said “you are a dragon lord“, he told me I that I can command dragons, can anyone please tell me if they know anything about this type of stuff because I can’t find Info on this anywhere
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Dragon Lord | TibiaWiki | Fandom . The d and d stuff might contain some truths as to the real entities. https://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Dragonlord
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@Alahimavatara Look Up Tiamat, Mushussu & Sirrush. In Babylonian Mythology.
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Like most dreams, this could also be more symbolic… dragons represent conduits of energy, and all humans can learn to control energy, aka learn energy working.
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