Does anyone have a preference for when they perform rituals?

Morning, noon, night, midnight, any time?

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I tend to time my rituals by traditional astrology, and these days I mainly do magick with traditional astrological talismans, so whenever a suitable time is present. For convenience, I tend to look for a time that is not too far into the night or too early into the morning.

The ancient sages say the night is better for magick, most on here agree, but magick done in the day can also be good.


I perform smaller, regular rituals in the morning or just after waking up, before really starting the day. Bigger rituals which need more preparation I do in the evening/at night, depending on the event, occasion, etc. and condition of my body/senses. Of course, I recommend the time you can focus the best for yourself, at least for practicing at first to not being distracted by anything. As mentioned before by Dankquanicus, not every ritual has to be done during night time. Some rituals, depending on the spirits or Gods/Goddesses, require a full sun shining directly on you/your altar (in nature for example).

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When itā€™s convenient. :person_shrugging:

If Iā€™m following a particular ritual from a book I try to do it as written at least the first time, so if it wants a certain time, day, moon phase, absence of light, or whatever I do it.
But once Iā€™ve done it Iā€™ve made that energy ā€œmineā€, if you will, I know it and I know what I can do with it, and then Iā€™m likely to edit it to suit.


Daily rituals (if Iā€™m not in time constraints) I typically do in the mornings for affirmations or setting the tone for my day.

But Iā€™ll use moon cycles to declare or set goals and therefore use full and new moons as the sort of ā€œbig monthly ritualsā€.
(If I can get the moon time down to the minute Iā€™ll do it around that time otherwise just 3am)

And I know your probably not referring to holidays but thereā€™s also those (solstices, equinoxes and the like just like the sabbats and esbats)

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Depending on who im working with and what im doing. I personally prefer night time around 12
the day of the ritual will change but mainly i like the nocturnal vibe. Occasionally might do a Midday ritual if its to do with spring or summer or Deity pertaining to that season.

almost always day time cause i sleep at nightšŸ˜

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Do you believe following astrological lunar phases and hours makes the work/ energy more concentratedā€” but if still can come to fruition of its not on the astrological clock? Do you use an app to know when is the appropriate time? Astrological time gets pretty complex down to specific hours and planetary arrangements

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Everything follows the heavens. People and animals tend to be more aggressive and irritable in the Hour of Mars, and more loving in the Hour of Venus, for example. Similarly, a business started during the Hour of Saturn or the Hour of Mars is far less likely to succeed. A seed planted in the Hour of Jupiter is likely to grow wonderfully but will either struggle or die swiftly if planted in the Hour of Mars.
I am using the Planetary Hours as an example because they are indeed a powerful technique, but of course a full chart election is needed for the best accuracy and power.

So with this, the outcome of anything can be seen from the state of the heavens at the birth of the action or event. So, magick done under entirely unfavorable astrological conditions will not succeed (with perhaps some very rare exceptions). And magick done under fortunate astrological factors would be more powerful, and success would be achieved more swiftly and without delays.

I donā€™t use an app that calculates elections for me, I use to search for elections manually. They allow you to create an ephemerides which is very useful.

But yes a full election is going to be very complex and rather difficult to find. If I was going to do non-astrological magick, I would keep it basic and convenient with only a few factors to look for, instead of looking for a full election.