Does anyone else meditate with their pet?

One night, my dog came into my room and sat with me while I meditated and sat with me. He sat there sniffing my face because I was to still then gave me a kiss then even nudged me so I could put arm around him while he sat there for the rest of the session.

Last night, my kitten meowed to sit with me so I pulled him into my room and he laid on my chest purring while I held him althought he was confused a bit about what the strange noise (I need audio to go through meditation, I use a stimulation: The Center of the Universe (1 hour all Chakra activation/stimulation/meditation) - YouTube) was but got over it as the calm rise and fall of my chest put him to sleep.

Pets are really relaxing although they don’t constantly join.

Just want to add this too while we’re talking about pets: My kitten enjoys feeling Lucifer’s presence enough that he’ll try to come into the room where I’ve summoned Lucifer.

But my dog hates it. He’ll usually come to the door and start barking to try to get me away from Lucifer and attend to him (the dog) instead.

Pets are just precious.


My cat used to sit in front of me and stare when I was doing buddhist mantra meditation. Now I often do my meditations in a circle with candles so he doesn’t get to be in the same room He tends to be sleeping next to the door when I stop so I guess he’s still listening, even if I usually use enns and the “Io heka, Io ho” mantra these days.

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That’s weird I get this similar reaction when I am around a perticular dog in my life she barks at me but not at me if that makes sense. I tend to have Lucifers energy flow within me so I guess she reacts to that. Whenever I call on him or doing anything with him and go around here she barks but also paralyzed with fear idk it could be something else. :joy:

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I bet he is listening. I like to think when watching and sitting with, their trying to share in the good energy or, like with yours, probably watching your aura or the things around you since their much more in tune then us.


Yes I was going to mention that but I could sense you already knew that. :blush:

My house rabbit always sits and glares at me :joy: … guess they are sensitive to spirits and stuff too… or maybe he thinks I’m odd :roll_eyes:


I think some dogs are more sensitive to his energy then others because I have three dogs. My dog is closer to me then the other two and he’s the only one that freaks out.


No all animals are the same when it comes to being intune.:sweat_smile: @Morn_Hyland


Lol I bet he’s trying to understand the weird stuff thats happening and why your being weird.


Yes I guess it doesn’t depend on the animal itself, because they do have their own minds and personalities same as we do. @Lamb-of-Hell-666

Ive got a 14yo dog too and she never notices a thing! … she is pretty much deaf too :grin:

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Not quite related… but the bunny has been known to steal offerings in the night… im hoping the demons understand the innocence of small furry things!


I guess so too and I know about the personalties. My dog (eldest) is a possessive narcissist, the second (middle) is a shy introvert and the third (youngest) is outgoing.

Only the elder notices anything so my theory is is that its less to do with personalities and more to do with how its like with people. Some people are more in tune then others just the same as pets.

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I don’t know to much about dogs and how they age, it’s a bit confusing to me I never sat down and tried to learn… But I would assume it all depends upon the Age,Mind, and Capabilities of all animals some are more in tune and comfortable with magik and others aren’t. It’s the same with human beings if you really think about it. @Morn_Hyland


14 is a good year. Mine is 12, hopefully he’ll last as long as yours.

I think the demons will understand that the bunny doesn’t know what its doing.


I sure they do. :blush: Even if they didn’t they are on a higher level of understanding so they most likely wont be upset over something as small as that. Just my opinion though. @Morn_Hyland

@wolfinsheepsskin, post 13, reminded of a thing I’ve always wondered.

How can one tell that a pet is a spirit animal? I’ve always had this deep feeling that my dog is my spirit animal but I’ve never had a good enough explanation to say for certain.

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Wouldnt supruse me if he was in cahoots! The little blighter!!

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Yes this is what I meant essentially. So I agree with you a hundred percent.:blush: I actually contradicted my own beliefs when I mentioned age. Because I am young believe it or not but I have all this knowledge so. :man_shrugging: @Lamb-of-Hell-666

This is something you can find out through simply meditating. You will be amazed at how much you can find out about yourself through meditation. It’s key to all this magik .:wink:
Well one of the keys for that matter. :sweat_smile: @Lamb-of-Hell-666

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