Does anyone celebrate holidays?

Just curious if anyone celebrates holidays… Like Wiccans celebrate the Wheel of the year and all of the holidays that go with that.
Does anyone on here do a similar thing?


I want to like to do this, but in reality I hate schedules and routine and I just don’t.
If I feel called to do a ritual I will, otherwise I probably make a quiet nod in recognition and that’s it. I men, I’m not religious and I don’t worship anything, so there’s no reason for me to be religious about it.


Oh you mean occult based holidays… No :thinking: But I would like to.


I celebrate only Samhain for obvious reasons :joy: And Equinoxes for also obvious reasons :v:


My Incarnation Day is the only holiday I really celebrate, though I participate in both Halloween and Christmas because of familial obligations and 'cause I like the nostalgia of childhood.


Oh c’mon I like Halloween! Halloween is cool Halloween is nice! :jack_o_lantern::jack_o_lantern:


I didn’t say it wasn’t. It’s just a take it or leave it kind of thing for me.


Just Samhain and the winter solstice. Occassionally the equinoxes.


Interesting… Thanks for everyones input.

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Samhain better be honored. Lol. Its the bestest holiday of them all.

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Yessss! It is! :black_heart::black_heart:

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I do but I put my own twist on them. but I would not recommend singing happy birthday to Horis when your entire Baptist family is singing happy birthday to Jesus on Christmas Day. And yes that did happen. My mother and sister were being their hostile asshole selves…so I was like…" Fuck your gathering," and jaws dropped as I sang…angelic and loud.
-Stitch laugh-


Lol awesome.
Thank you for your intake on it.

Angelic voice is always awesome.

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I have usually been guilt tripped into these large family gatherings but no more. I won’t attend another one. But Thanksgiving day, it’s just a day of gratitude for me that I don’t associate with the genocide of Native Americans. Christmas is totally pagan oriented for me, santa, presents, etc etc. Easter is fertility and Easter buns. I take the kids trick or treating. I celebrate the pagan holidays as well…such as the solstices and equinoxes. Solstices especially.


I totally understand. I don’t celebrate many holidays via occultist practice.
I go to family holiday gatherings if i feel like it.

Thanks for sharing btw.

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