Does anybody else have prophetic dreams?

It happenx to me a lot


Same here.

Yup. Not that I could put it into use, tho.

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You shouldn´t to begin with, it´s not wise.

I had a Psychology class in college that dealt with dreams a little, and learned that most people have ten to a dozen dreams a night, but generally we only remember the last one. I always wondered if maybe we are constantly having prophetic dreams, but they take place perhaps earlier on in the night, and so we rarely remember them. It does seem fairly common for people to have them.


It’s also useless. It’s like seeing a movie preview but without any context.


Yes I get that too. Last night I dreamt about a crossword this morning I saw a youtube video with a crossword


I believe this, considering I wake up after every damned dream cycle. I find after about a week of this I end up with at least one profound dream that I would deem ‘prophetic’ in the sense that I’m aware of what’s about to happen.


Why not? Isn’t one of the goals of magick to attain Omniscience? Wherein prophetic dreams imo are a part of.


It would be a cool cycle to figure out the timing of so you could set an alarm to wake up, write it down, then go back to sleep.


I have been as part of my personal studies. Like I said, after about a week it happens, and these cycles tend to become dominant between once a month to every three months. It has come in very handy in steering my life in particular directions, most of which usually avert catastrophic disaster on a personal level.


That’s fascinating. Is it usually the last dream of the night? I think I will start experimenting with this as well. Seems like a waste not to.


Yes but they’re no use. Random glimpse of the future of something small I’m doing or the people are me are doing.


Typically the last dream is the most vivid, and I pick up on more information through it than the ones that come before. Sometimes the dreams are all completely unrelated until it all somehow comes together in a big crescendo with the last dream, sometimes it trickles through each dream piece by piece and I’m forced to do a little more work in putting it together. Dreams and Stones are what have brought me to the LHP and are a solid backbone for my path.

I’ve also read accounts of people who have dreams after their evocations/ritual work that tend to involve whatever entity they are working with. So studying your dreams is definitely a must imo for any serious pathworking.


I get these I usually try to do the opposite when I notice them coming up, I don’t like thinking my destiny is controlled



I wouldn’t think of it as being controlled. It’s more like tapping into the possibilities that have the greatest potential for becoming a part of your reality. Nothing is ever set in stone.



What sucks about it for me though is that the “prophecy” is a few seconds long, is never about anything important in particular and I never know it actually is one until it happens in real life.


Not sure if I would call mine prophetic, but emblematic for sure.

From what perspective of lenses do you look at your goals exactly? and besides the reason why you shouldn´t take it in a certain mentality is because the human mind has a tendency to sabotage things and you are clashing with it daily as a human being unless you learn to deal with it. Prophetic visions are linked to this in the way that they have a nature that changes all the time and there must obviously something that triggers it.

I do sometimes.

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