I did some research on this, if anyone wants to dive deeper into it they’re welcome to do so.
Key of Unlocking
Latin: Clavis est Reserans / Clavis ab Reserans
English Gematria: 1008 -> 9 - I - (GON) - (As ‘I’) Root of Energy/Enablement: energize, enable, ability
(As ‘Y’) Root of Increase: grow, increase, more, faster
Jewish Gematria: 698 -> 23 - L + G - Ur-Ged - (UR) Root of Primacy: first, primary, one; providence / (GED) Root of Negation: not, none, nothing, nor
Gematria for the latin name: 1409 -> 14 / 1214 -> 8
698 = 300 + 300 + 90 + 8 = Gisa-Gisa-Ceph-Tal / 100 + 200 + 300 + 90 + 8 = Val-Fam-Gisa-Ceph-Tal
(GISA) - Root of Balance: balance, justice, adjust,
judge, equilibriate (T)
(CEPH) - Root of Division: divide, separate, other
(than), part(s) of (Z)
(TAL) - Root of Knowledge: mind, know,
awareness, knowledge (M)
(FAM) - Root of Possession: have, acquire, gather;
together (S)
1008 = 1000 + 8 = Matabe-Tal / Matb-Tal
Matb = Tal-Un-Gisa-Pe => Tal-Un-Gisa-Pe-Tal
1409 = 1000 + 300 + 100 + 9 = Matb-Gisa-Val-Gon - 14 = 10 + 4 = Na-hath-Gal
(VAL) - (As ‘U’) Root of Light: light, enlightenment
(As ‘V’) Root of Darkness: dark, hidden
(therefore, unknown); reflection
(NA-HATH) - Root of Breath: breath, life (H)
(GAL) - Root of Possibility: possible, potential (D)
Words I associated with the sigil:
Odo = open, opens
Adagita = can, able to
Eors = hundred
Butmon = mouth, has opened his mouth
Arp = conquer
Argedco = invoke
Arden = the Universal Mind
Other gematria: Lucifer Morningstar, Fruit of the Tree of Life, Blazing Star, In This Sign Conquer, Emerald Emissary, Truth is a Force of Nature, True Evil One, I Am Light And Dark Good
And Evil
From V.K. Jehannum’s site:
8 - The Planetary Sphere of the Black Sun, it s the number of the Philosopher’s Stone and of the Great Work’s completion
9 - the Black Flame, the Devil, the nine demonic divinities
23 - Sacred number of Tiamat