Do You have any spirit or demon that You are sincerely in love with?

I’m glad to hear that :heart_eyes: Lamashtu is an amazing Goddess


Azazel is bae :slight_smile: seriously!
Idk how I can even properly express how much I love him >w<
He is amazing and I’m happy to hear he’s helping you like that! <3


YES!!! I have love for all the spirits I’m involved with, but if I had to express love as if we were together as a couple, my love is painful for a daughter of Lilith that was sent to me and helped awaken me to this realm and move away from traditional religious beliefs. I am also madly in love with the Duchess Bune who has been a constant friend, guide and perfect being in my life.


This is beautiful. Congratulations :heavy_heart_exclamation:

Azazel can be really sweet and tender when he loves you deeply. Very respectful and can provide good healing.
All the best foe ur bond with him :sparkling_heart:

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I won’t go into all the details because I don’t like making my relationships public. I also feel bad as I’m not there for her as much as I should be but she’s the best Spirit lover a guy could ask for. I love when she randomly appears and holds me and falling asleep with her in my arms is a blessing. I do love her and appreciate her in my life.

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Oh I’ve heard of Amy!! That’s Lucifer’s fashion advisor Who knew that was a real job a demon had but hey why not :woman_shrugging:

Lucifer’s what?


I honestly cant do this anymore. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


At this point, I’m not even sure who’s trolling anymore. Lucifer’s fashion advisor. I’d love to know who does His hair, it’s always so on fleek. :ok_hand:


I would like to know if he has a maid who helps him bathe. Sounds like a job for me :joy:

I’ll see myself out. :woman_facepalming:


Lmao XD

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It was a joke :joy::joy::joy: I’m sorry.

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No seriously that’s the definition of Amy I found in a demon encyclopedia at some point. Never looked into them beyond that but I thought it was the funniest thing ever


Just putting this here.