Do you ever have entities talk to you in your sleep?

This morning I got up posted then crashed for a bit and as i was laying down, I wasnt sure if I was like completely asleep or whatever but I remember lying in bed and hearing a female voice talking to me about stuff I need to do telling me to wake up etc at 3, And saying something about my room and all i could muster up to sayw as “Leave me the hell slone i need to rest” And it completely stopped, I noticed Ive had this happen a few times lately as im falling asleep something will start talking to me, It doesnt happen if im awake, Some friends have reported it as well In my house I cant seem to tell if its someone astral projecting or not or what it is,


I might get something similar: I read it as my subconscious stressing about things or trying to help me out.

I’m currently under a lot of pressure at work as we’re in the run up to a software golive that I have a lot of high-visibility responsibility for, and I was working overnight, setting things to run and going back to bed, my phone on a 1 hr timer. Fun times. :sweat_smile:

Three times I was woken up before the timer and the things I was waiting for was just finished so I could continue efficiently - but not by my own voice. Twice I heard a phone alarm - not the right sound for the time but other phone alarms I use, and once to my cat yelling for attention, except my cat was fast asleep. Then I checked the software and ups, it was ready for me. I thought that was cool and thanked my subconscious for it’s help.

So that worked out great, and as a bonus all the sleep disruption means I remembered several weird-cool dreams that I normally don’t. :slight_smile:

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That makes alot of sense it was quite weird i was half awake but i could hear a ladys voice and im like gtfo here i need to sleep, Thats a first for me ive had things say my name and what not or my bed shake cords get pulled out of the walls ETC so i cant tell if its paranormal or my mind sometimes other people have seen stuff in my room as well

Yeah I think it’s some and some. I heard Azazel growl in my ear once, but also more of my own mind blathering on about nothing sensible when in a light trance playing phone games.

Once I was doing some distance healing on a deer with an injury in the back yard, and I heard my deceased qigong teacher say “Master your skill!” (I’m not proud to say I haven’t though)

Usually if it’s an entity it comes with a clairsentience/knowing of exactly who it is, and if I don’t know who it is it’s me. :slight_smile:

Ive had a dream once where a dude in a parking lot asked me if i knew who he was and i told him i knew bis face but not his name then the fucker attacked me it felt vivid too i woke up pretty quickly, Things get weird in dreams and astral sometimes for sure

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