Do you actually see demons with your eyes?

I am complete nude to all this so.

You guys actually summon demons and see them with your eyes? and make them do stuff for you?

When do I go as a nube to find out more about this?


Yeah man there’s psychical evocation or you can see them in your mind’s eye (astrally I believe) or you can provide a manifestation base for them incense,fire etc.

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You need to practice on entering into theta gamma sync and on structuring


Not initially we see them, but as we learn and practice they get realer and realer. Some say advanced magicians can have demons play video games with them on the couch, but that takes a while. If it’s really possible

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Of course at the right time at the right place you can see them

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Yep! When you’re not thinking, you can catch spirits overlapping the physical world, or moving inside of objects.

“I am completely nude to all of this.”
“completely nude.”



Was gonna comment… But u did 1st :joy:


I use my mind and very little for contact such as candles incense and the ouija board what I get are vibrations and energy pulls or vibes and mental images projected into the mind I also feel them standing behind me whispering these things into my ear so no I don’t flat out see a demon looking like from some horror movie like that nun from the conjuring


i think demons only show themselves in this spooky way to ward off those they would rather not contact just scare off the weak minded so they won’t be bothered by them…however I do get energy vibes from Azazel that he does take the classic horror movie demon form for kicks as it greatly amuses him…



@Kassapu @AlexandarMOstar


I’ll describe how I see Azazel in mental projected image form for you OP I see him as a 9 ft tall black skinned demon with goat horns and legs plus hooves of a goat with about 4 inch sharp claws a tail and yellow eyes also a long sharp tongue that sometimes he uses to lick my face or my ear when he does whisper things into my mind for me to hear thats how I view one demon

been confirmed by ppl like EA Koetting that Azazel takes this form Eric has said he has seen a tall pitch black muscular goat looking demon when in contact with Azazel

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hahaha why did you drag me into this :joy::joy::rofl:


I don’t know :joy:



Well as a horse I sit in an armchair in my field listening to Mozart most days, doing the Times crossword and interacting with my demonic entities as if they were there - unlike you I wear full smoking attire by Yves Saint Laurent complete with a fez.


You’re complete nude to all of this. I would suggest putting on some clothes :wink:


Oh my gosh, I cannot stop laughing. I love this meme.


Now my serious part. I’ve seen Lucifer in front of me, like a vague form. But I don’t have it often.
But more training to do so you will get there when you practice.

I saw a spirit manifest in incense smoke - Once!
I once saw the black robed figure of death walk passed a doorway and beckon me three times and fuck me, I went back to sleep! Even I can’t believe that, but it happened. And the Death figure was solid and three dimensional.
Apart from that I ain’t seen nothing. It’s not my thing.


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