Do you actually see demons with your eyes?

Lucifer manifest to me twice past two weeks… 1st was black orb then started to get bigger and bigger till it shows as hooded man … 2nd time he showed as 1st time but he came and sit beside me … All that happened in psychical world not my 3rd eye nor my mind … When i go out and chats his enn the radio always starts… My fav music saxophone music… Somgs never existed before or when I search of it on the whole web I never find it …

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You certainly have style. And those Smoking Jackets aren’t cheap either. In a world of drab conformity it’s refreshing to come across someone with style, even a horse who obviously doesn’t work sky-clad.


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Whatever made you think I was cheap? I have that Adramemelek chappie advise me on this season’s best fashion accessories…

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I saw spirits in my house where I grew up but it was maybe once or twice a year. They always were made out of darkness and never really scary (except one, but this bastard doesn’t even show himself clearly) they were rather neutral.

A few years ago I saw a boy, he was standing with his back to me when I entered the room and he just turned his head and was right staring at me… kinda spooky but they are more like our roommates and at some point I think I played hide and seek with them (when I was 6 or so) :joy:


The word you want to use is “new”.

On occasion I see glimpses of images in my peripheral vision of entities.

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For me it’s like visual information about them is sent directly to my mind. I don’t “see” them, but remembering the event it is a very visual memory. Like raw ideas were shared with my mind and rationalized as an image.

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