As a person who’s practice is largely Norse, please don’t. All backgrounds are welcome to the Northern path but it’s not respectful to the tradition + it doesn’t really make anyone any better than they are. It’s a waste of time and energy.
I already do this with the Cult of Cthulhu, spreading Cthulhu’s tentacl’y-goodness to all for almighty consumption.
As a former Mormon who served his two year mission proselytizing various locales in SE TX I fully endorse and support this.
Seriously though, if you want to make them uncomfortable do this. Act like you want to shake hands. When they extended thier right hand, instead of fully gripping thiers simply place the tip of your right index finger in the center of thier right hand while gripping the opposite side with your thumb, look them in the eyes and ask; “what is that?”.
It’s likely they will think you’re an apostate of thier church. Someone they aren’t allowed to teach. Easy peasy.
Hahaha, nice. To be fair, I could just ask them about certain pre-1980’s policies of the church and cause the same discomfort (I’m black lmao).
The older generations of Mormons have worked very hard to build a library of apologetics that has been disseminated to the rising generation regarding it’s very public bigotry and racism, among other problems, especially from prior to 1975 and other modern shifts. So bringing this up is going to yield you a mixed bag of results. Anywhere from driving them away in some cases, to making them want to work harder at convincing you that you’ve been “misinformed”. I have to say though that your approach is much more likely a better gateway to planting the seeds of liberty, love and life in their minds than showing them one of their Temple keys of the Melchizedek priesthood like I advised. Just remember to be patient if you do. A lot of the seeds and ideas that eventually led me out of Mormonism were planted, by individuals I wish I could go back and thank, while on my mission which didn’t yield externally discernible results until a few years had passed.
I understand, the thing that has stopped me from leaving islam earlier was that you could theoretically make logical arguments for certain positions. Provided you ignored or dismissed contradicting information. My circle of friends is still deeply religious whilst also being mostly well educated university students. Hence, many adherents of religious are quite intelligent
The thing that got to me was thinking deeply about the religion whilst living in a secular country (i.e being confronted with conflicting beliefs and lifestyles). Reading the satanic bible immediately after my loss of faith also helped ease the short depression I fell into.
Ragnarok is fake news: Abrahamic mindset - #5 by Lady_Eva.
The occult is a bit like Alcoholics Anonymous, it’s about attraction not promotion.
Naah I think we all have better things to do. That’s one of the many differences between us and those people: They preach about the things they have been taught and brainwashed to believe fanatically, we enjoy the ride while experiencing things first hand.