Do the Dark Powers Think I'm a Loser?

OP a better question is what can help you erase your own doubts, and like I mentioned there’s nothing better than you at accomplishing that. You have to really piss off something you don’t think you can handle, to the point of being afraid for at least your own life, and then deal with the creature yourself. There’s NOTHING in the entire world that’s more self-validating then putting your fears, concerns, and other personal problems aside to squash something you don’t think you can deal with. You’re worried that you’re a loser, a failure, a freak? You’re worried that you aren’t up to the challenge, that you’re a bad fit, that you don’t belong? An easy way is to dig into yourself and rip out the squirming mass of subconsciousness that sets you up to believe these things, but a way that will completely delete any shreds of self-consciousness, pity, and fail-think is to fell a god that wanted you dead and to drink from the remains. In other words, if you put yourself in a situation where everything is at stake and you have no choice but to address it as a total threat, and actually come out of it victorious, what reason have you to feel this way except habitual thinking? Because it’s a habit, not accurate thought that propagates this image. You can do any-fucking-thing you give 110% of your focus to, you just have to try, aka give it everything you are, were, could be, or dreamed of. :slight_smile:

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I recommend Ipos and Aim. Their sigils are here and here.

With that said, you don’t need to work magick to deal with self-esteem issues. You don’t need to go to the superconscious to deal with subconscious problems. You can get your esteem sorted out by hiring a good hypnotist to reprogram your mind via in-person sessions, or over Skype/phonecall. A good hypnotist should be able to remove that problem in no more than 5 sessions max (the great ones can do it in 1 to 3 sessions). There are also many confidence audios online that you can play on repeat at night before or during sleep.

If money is an issue, you may want to use the Autogenic Training protocol i put online yesterday; you can find it here. Do AT 3 times in a row, 2 times a day (morning and evening), every day for 3 months. Any and all deep-seated issues will rise to the surface and can be removed using Intentional Offloading Exercises, which are introduced on the link above, and fully explained in Dr. Kai Kermani’s book. Or, you can use the EFT Basic Recipe to tap them out as they show up from the AT. The Basic Recipe is explained here.

AT has been scientifically proven to resolve issues as deep as PTSD, 3rd degree burn trauma, rape, amputation anxiety, and war atrocity, so it can most likely uncover whatever’s going on with you. If you prefer, you can also turn this into a ritual involving the spirits i recommend above, to add power to the working. It’s up to you, but you don’t need superconscious help to do subconscious change. You can do this mundane work on your own.

I doubt the spirits see the OP as a loser. Maybe a pity-seeker or victim, but not a loser. Loss is an event, not an identity.

When you feel down on yourself, you tend to exaggerate your situation and you think every temporary event is final. Feelings aren’t facts, but whatever. We all feel sorry for ourselves when things don’t go our way.

OP has the power of choice and the ability to change. It’s up to him to use that ability and change his situation using effective means. That’s why he’s on BALG.

Magicians love their schadenfreude, it’s like the greatest joy for a group of mages to kick you when you’re down. So don’t expect a shoulder to cry on on BALG.

OP, do some magick and make some changes in your life. Get your changework going and improve your situation.

Again, magicians are so fucking fair-weather. When you’re up and rockin, the same people who laugh at your current misfortune will be begging to share in your success (while quietly cursing your good luck under their breath, but again, whatever).

Don’t like your life, you’re a magician. Do something about it. There are plenty of rituals on BALG. Find a few, apply yourself, make the change or learn something about yourself as you fail to do so. You’ll grow either way. It’s all on you, man. Apply yourself to the situation and change it.


Once again:

You should stop being so harsh on yourself and dont see youself as a loser see yourself as a god
I mean its not like every single black magician out there has the best life ever. Cause i am lonely as well
and im a virgin but i still dont see myself as a loser