Do spirits profit from us learning magick?

I completely disagree with what your saying. I’ve been observing in the past enough to know that what I say is true. Just because you disagree doesnt make any of it false. Unless you have proof to back what you say.

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The cult thing? I mean aside from runaways and others not brainwashed or born into it, in the case of this cult, if this is the first step on one’s magical journey, they’ll either be sated or bored by it and subsequently leave on their own. If you’re talking about the pigeonhole thing, just try the technique to read without telling it to yourself, and take note of its effects initially and after some use.

We all talk to ourselves when we read something, usually by repeating it in our heads to understand it, but saying it it to ourselves is a sub-vocalization that carries a lot of subconscious tricks in its mess. You can only really delve down your own rabbit hole when you stop talking to yourself! :slight_smile:

@Voodooking, how long have you been practicing voudon?

Yes, it’s called OFFERINGS, they’re a universal feature of magick and of most religions, especially non-monotheist ones.

I have no clique, thanks, I piss everyone off pretty evenly, but whatever. You’re being extremely rude here so please tone that down.

Bollocks, I removed it because it was derailing the topic. I have plenty to say to you on this, but it’s a beautiful sunny Friday night of an upcoming long holiday weekend (Monday is a civic holiday in the UK, last until Yule) and I am just not inclined to dance there right now. I have done arguments for why it’s ethical to run a business selling magick teachings before on here though. :thinking:

However I have moved this discussion to an Unlisted thread and will give it a couple more hours, if anyone wants to address the principles, instead of throwing insults around.

Please try not being a dick to the guys who literally pay for it to exist, eh? I’m a volunteer and find things like this funny, but it’s only common sense you don’t go crapping in your host’s hearthrug. :+1:

I removed ONE post to avoid a derailment, don’t be so dramatic. :stuck_out_tongue:

Actually, it’s shared ownership of the means of production, so you better get a big butterfly net because these fuckers look like they can run and shoot, and if we’re starting an Annie-Wilkes style author-farm, you can run point on catching them.

Also, no politics. :wink:

:laughing: Mkay.

At least we’ll finally get a dress code! :rage:

Now, are we all going to chill out and have a civilised discussion here about the ethics of making money from teaching magick, or not? :smiley:

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Voodoo is a religion where people practice and are in poverty without money. I dont see your point???.

“Voodoo is a religion where people practice and are in poverty without money. I dont see your point???”

So making money is only bad if you’re not poor?

Also, my point was to call hypocrisy upon the idea that E.A. may be unnecessarily profiting off this when he was literally told by the same spirits I assume you walk with to remove the catch 22s from Spider and the Green Butterfly.

Now I don’t practice, but I know another who knows Kelfu and Legba quite well and they purportedly confirmed to him that they wanted the book revised.

So why criticize when it seems Haitian Bokors have been doing the same for longer?

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@Lady_Eva I was simply stating my observations throughout the years and the patterns I’ve noticed which cant be argued. I’m not trying to be a dick but at the same time I’m trying to make a point here. And yes what I said got removed but it was valid and truthful. Derailment, Flaming or not E.A IS still just a human and the exploitation of ignorance for profit just steams me up to no end

We call that “teaching” where I come from, and it does usually attract a salary or some other payment.

Exploiting implies people don’t get what they pay for, having read several of his books, and watched some of the course materials, I do not believe that to be accurate, so could you be more clear where the exploitation lies?

That’s a bit of a sweeping statement, isn’t it? Do they throw you out of you get rich? Hardly likely.

Voodoo is commonly known to be conducted on a basis of payment for rituals, as well as the religious mainstay, and the spirits are paid with offerings and with possession so they can enjoy a physical experience.

You see the patterns, yes. But where everyone has called out your opinion is the assumption of intent. That falls flat when you look at other work done.

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Nope. Your wrong.

If we see magic and all the knowledge around it as something that’s just happening in our mind, a fantasy, then demanding money for it would be kinda greedy, yeah.
But if we see magic as a fact, a part of reality, then a magician should get an honest wage for his work, just like a kindergarden teacher, a bus driver or a doctor.
How do you perceive magic @Voodooking?


Exactly this!

I cannot understand why any other skill, from lumberjack to counsellor, attracts a wage and yet the moment people charge for this skill, everyone loeses their minds. :man_shrugging:


Just claiming wrong without evidence? It appears you may want to consider @Cernunnos 's advice, then.

Hiya! Check the news; methinks people have already started listening. :slight_smile:

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If this were true then EVERYONE on this forum should get paid for what they share. True? True!!!

Nope, forums are places where people who are expert (or at least skilled with) ANY topic habitually share, come on!

I go on forums for crafts, and petcare, especially health problems in pets because there’s a lot you can do without vets, like dietary changes… some of those people posting ARE vets, some are just sharing knowledge acquired over the years.

Forums literally exist to get free info, most of the time.

DIY, car maintenance, bodybuilding, knitting… the list is endless. I don’t even get your point here! :thinking:

People can CHOOSE to teach for free and CHOOSE to charge. In reality if I was making video courses, you bet your ass I’d charge for that!


Yes, sure.

Now we are debating on who is expert and who is novice. That’s semantics who’s to say that my or yours or anyone elses advice is truthful and working? Rather then just a shot in the dark? Does posting it on a youtube channel with 10k subscribers make it credible? No.

Why don’t you just write a book yourself and hand it out for free? Instead of hating on other peoples’ choices.
Become the change you want to see.

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