Do luck charms backfire?

So lets say i made a charm that increased my luck with lottery tickets, would it backfire in any way?

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It’s funny, in the Discworld novels, Lady Luck is one of the most powerful gods in the world (because a god’s power comes from the amount of people who believe in them and everyone believes in Lady Luck). However, it is taboo to say her name, because she is the god who can only be evoked unnamed, so everyone just calls her the Lady.

And there’s one story about a cult that tried to make a church dedicated to her, but everyone ended up with horrible luck and each died within two weeks from extremely uncommon accidents.

because she what?

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Sorry, it was an accident, I finished it now.


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Read the title as lucky charms, lmao


Charms, in my experience, don’t backfire since thier influence is both passive and symbolic, but they can lose influence over time. For this you can use a cleansing ritual or anoint them to purify any negative energies they absorbed. It also works better if you don’t put focus on charm powers; they are a more “do it and then wait for results” type of tool than a “guide me until I find what I’m looking for”.

I have more experience with protection charms but luck charms seem to work in a similar fashion.