Do Dark Lords tend to get annoyed if someone calls them again and again at short intervals?

Yeah, I was wondering if dark lords such as Lord Asmodeus tend to get annoyed if somebody calls them again and again at short intervals[Even though someone is in touch with them for a long time?]

I don’t think so, but you should probably ask Asmodeus

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There is multiple levels of communication, which all require different amount of concertation…

what you mean by calling ?

do you mean like full physical evocation, or just telepathic chattering ?

get sane with yourself and your goals and needs linearly thinking…

way i see all spirit work is that i wouldnt call “again and again” somebody who i wouldnt spend time in physical reality, and same goes other way…

when you are self concious you can just ask exact terms of your relationship… but mirror yourself to their position, that saves alot of time and ankward thoughtprocessing

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Why Asmodeus? Just curious.

Yeah, I talked with him later.
He didn’t seemed to mind it much.

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Only telepathic communication.

Because OP referenced Asmodeus

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Who’s OP?

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Madara, the original poster


Oh, so that’s what OP means. Thanks for answering my questions. :slight_smile:



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I don’t personally know about Asmodeus, but the only time something like that ever happened to me (edit: that an entity was annoyed) was when I performed two rituals consecutively, a spirit I dismissed after the first was a little annoyed I immediately called them back for the second which was my mistake in the moment. Other than that it was no big deal, he just said there’s no reason to close the first ritual to initiate the second when he was already there.

At another point, I evoked the demon Cimejes and he asked for a specific offering that needed a couple hours to complete. He said to call him back when I was finished, so I dismissed him, finished, then evoked him a couple hours later.

I suppose it overall depends on the length of intervals and the entities. You can always just ask, but Id also say it’s rather expected to maintain a relationship by at least semi-frequent evocation.


Ask one, “dark lords” have their own length of patience per individual or group depending on how close they are or aren’t.


He is so totally cool. Probably finds that flattering and hot… hearing his name all the time


@Madara8769 I would say they probably don’t. I assume by “dark lords” you are referring to demons, specifically the 72 Goetics, since you mentioned Asmodai, or did you mean specifically the 9 demonic Kings? It’s been my experience with Goetic demons ( since those are really the only ones I evoke and work with ) that they don’t mind it. They do like being “here” ( our world/layer of reality ) after all. They also like for their existence to have purpose and you are giving the demons that by evoking and petitioning/tasking them towards a goal (s)/desired results, even if the desire is a greedy one that’s about getting stuff, or even a self destructive one, as long as it’s sincere the demons and angels will not judge you or refuse. That’s one of the reasons I word my petitions carefully, because you will get what you ask for ( tho I think that with making a sincere petition, you are entering into a relationship with that demon and it will come to know what you want and what you don’t want during the petition and tasking; the demon’s will is now intertwined with your will and will, tho it may ask for more information so that it’s clear on what you want ).

But anyway, I would say they are ready and willing to be evoked and probably like to be evoked. I also believe they like to show-boat their powers here, they don’t resent working with and for us, especially when they know you are a gift-giver ( the offering ) that is generous for a job well done and gives the offering gladly as a nice way to say thank you. They will, I believe, come to see you as someone to be respected, obeyed, and trusted, and not a “use and dump” occultist. When my Earthly desires have come to fruition because of their help, I also want to keep evoking them and getting to know them as individuals and not just as spirits. I’m careful with them, but remain authoritative without being an asshole about it. I believe they appreciate that because I believe they do have emotions, moods, feelings, and so on ( their emotions and feelings may differ from ours in a lot of ways, but there are also many similarities I believe ). I could be wrong, but I have thought long and hard about this and believe that what I say is true.

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Hmmmm… oh hot times with Asmodeus.

It’s more likely to strengthen the relationship than harm it. You want to build a connection, and the best way to do that is to connect more often.
This is partly what altars are for - they make a space for permanent connection with an entity.