Do blood pacts last even after you die?. And who is Satan?. I’ve seen a lot of ndes of hell

How do I cancel the pact. All I’m getting is horrible luck and bad nightmares

Here’s the thing @Satan a blood pact is like a marriage to a spirit, it will stick with you forever unless you break it, there are a few ways you can do that, break a pact that is:

  1. Break one ot more of the terms in the pact - not recommended you’ll just piss of the spirit and you’ll likely incur it’s wrath.

  2. You ask the spirit to dissolve the contract and ask how you’d do that. This is the safest way, however they likely won’t do it or if they do they likely think you’ve watsed their time.

  3. You forcefully dissolve the pact through a ritual. @Micah has a great ritual you can use for that if I remember correctly.

This is just a tip for you, since you’re saying that you’re having nightmares, nightmares is your minds way of telling you that you are likely not dealing with something in your life. Your dreams contain symbolism (like being chased) which can tell you a lot about your current state, once you deal with a new might emerge to teach you something else.

Spirits do sometimes commune with us through dreams. You do what you want but here’s my two cents: don’t break the pact, work with your spirit not against it and you’ll very likely be rewarded for your efforts.