
The circle under the table is a plain circle of energy, like a fence or wall. The circle that I put on top doubles as the circle I sit on and that’s a homegrown fusion of the Circle of Pacts and E.A.'s Universal Circle.
So this:

Plus this:


thank you

What do you think about not giving the djinn an offering in Hargrove’s method, could cause some resentment and backlash. Practically every djinn method has you make an offering or promise to make one.

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That may be so, but are not there many warnings that the djinn are volatile, refuse to leave etc?

I’ve not given offerings and I have not had issues, so I can’t rule out the possibility that offerings are what cause most people’s trouble with tradition methods.

I can’t confirm it, but I can’t deny it either.

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Update : i’m using the book djinn magick - Churaki ashan.
The truth is … it is strong, I can feel the physical presence of the djinn, hear murmurs and see rear eye movements, The truth is as if they were just there, observing. it’s so weird. anyway even after the rituals, I started the rituals from Friday and I plan to finish tomorrow. I will update here


In fact, all of Corwin’s books have you not give ritual offerings.

At the same time that he released that book, another book was released by someone else or his pen name, Theodore Rose, Lucifer and the Hidden Demons, which also disregards offerings. Calling on the spirits and allowing them to do their thing to influence this world is enough for them, according to those authors.


I’ve performed 46 rituals from this book over the last two years. Only once had something adverse happen. So whatever the issue, I don’t think the book or the rituals therein are inherently in anyway problematic


Update: the friday i ask a “good partner”, so the saturday for the night a person wrote me for a date, in the date tell me it want a relationahip with me. I’m surprised. I did not expect . What I like most about Ashan’s book is that I don’t have to write a ridiculous request to get results, you should try.

I just had a look at the kindle sample. It’s references oils, crystals and incense etc. but the sample is brief and it’s not clear whether these are necessary or just add ons. Can you advise? If these aren’t essential I’ll get the book

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I think they are not necessary, I do not use oils, I only have some of the crystals mentioned by chance, because I always liked them, I use incense but not those mentioned in the book and I still had succes.

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Every ritual requires you to gaze a candle and say some things. I don’t see where any of them call for incense or oil.

The books is in kindle unlimited and it opened on the last page, so I’ve read it at some point.

Formatting is bad, some pages only have a three word sentence and it’s a continuation of the page before… which is also just more instruction.

I think some this was meant to be headings that ended up as a whole page- perhaps they used a pdf instead of a word document when they uploaded their files. (Formatting is a pain)

Some of it is the font is too big, so it just takes up pages instead of paragraphs too.

I’d estimate it’s thirty pages in length as is.

Oh here is about the oil and incense. It uses the word Could use

As far as it goes I don’t see anything traditional other than the names and perhaps the sigils, but I can’t tell if the author created them or not- they look a bit familiar but that could be due to having had the book open in front of me before.

There is zero information on where the information came from or how the author truly came to use this process, he just says he doesn’t want you to believe the bad things cuz he doesn’t believe they are really stories and that it’s not his job to tell you what to believe.

There’s a brief two line thank you at the end to other authors, but still no source mentioned, no idea if there’s any built in protection from using certain djinn names or words or not.

It doesn’t look like there’s any safe guards like Hargrove uses and there’s no way to counter this work if it doesn’t go as planned- at least not unless you use Hargroves ritual to scatter the djinn or come up with something yourself from traditional means.

Based on what I see, it’s as much of a wild card as taking a ritual off the balg forum and using it- make sure your safe by taking your safety into your own hands and use at your own risk.

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Yep that page is the one I saw with the incense and oils etc in the sample.
The sample doesn’t contain the ritual itself so didn’t know what it involves or that it contains no countermeasures.
Only four reviews so not much of a user sample to form a view on.

I’ll have to ponder it. I wonder if using Hargrove ritual up to and including the safeguards as a lead in to this would be effective?

I’ll see what other info I can find from people who have tried this book

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Possibly yes. If it didn’t it would be because it’s direct counter to something in the rituals in this book, but I don’t imagine that would be case.

I just can’t say if there would be a combination of
Djinn that might not mesh with each other or rituals that would somehow cancel each other out since I’ve not experienced that, but it seems unlikely since they are both essentially calling the djinn close enough to hear you.

The only big difference is Hargroves ritual has a defined structure and steps to follow, he’s built in safeguards with the angels as a just in case versus this is basically just light a candle, read these words, the djinn will hear you.

With Hargrove you can feel safe and that you roughly know what to expect, particular since it’s a book with longevity and many users.

This one just doesn’t have the same amount of information and no expectations can be made on what’s given.

It’s even possible the sigils in this book contain some sort of protection, but it’s not mentioned if that’s the case.

Assuming I understand it all correctly of course!

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Yep those are all good points.

The one time I had an adverse situation with Hargroves was the one time I wasn’t really paying attention and engaged in the angel phase and just recited the names.

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Hi how r u guys? I bring you this latest update. Speaking of RESULTS, I got a lot of money, partners, I failed when asking for psychic abilities. Anyway, the truth is that the djinn fascinate me so much, they are a unique experience. Their presence is as strong as that of a real person, they move things and I could even hear them. I decided to end all that because they wouldn’t let me sleep at night, I used the ritual to dispel them again.


Do I understand correctly? Hargroves rituals didn’t do anything for you, but his scatter the djinn ritual did?

That is curious. :face_with_monocle:

Did you ask for the exact same things or reword your requests or pick new things?

Just curious, it’s odd and could be completely one off that your first tries with one system failed.

Some people mesh with the energetic flow of things differently than most, so curious at least, id I understood correctly.

My English is not very good but I will try to explain myself as best as I can, with Hargrove’s book, I had no results. I did rituals every day and nothing. Then came streaks of bad luck and, last time, illness. but when I did the ritual to dissipate, everything returned to normal.

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With churaki ashan book, I asked for the same things, because it’s the only thing that interests me, money and love. use simple requests and they delivered in unexpected, surprising ways.

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A friend of mine worked with djinns… her method was pretty unique: you have to know the name (and most of the time, their names are compoused by 13-14 letters… so you can’t try randomly) and the element of the djinn… then, write the name on a piece of papere and destroy it using his element. For example, for fire element you are going to burn it
She had “luck” calling a water djinn, which killed her fish… the water was stinking so badly and it was not because of the fish, not just for the fish at least
The djinn got irritated, it’s their nature

I have a small thread journaling my experience of working with that same book. Ultimately, even though I had some results, they just felt like cinematics and no actual content. What I mean by that is, vivid dreams, heightened energy fluctuations that could be felt, etc. So I gave up on it after a few weeks. Nothing malignant happened. Id try again, but not until I’m in a good personal space.

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