Did I do this invocation ritual right?

Ofcourse, with all due respect, I leave it up to Duchess Gremory, if she thinks I am worthy enough I will get a sign from her, fingers crossed. :crossed_fingers:t5: @Shamn

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You did it the wrong way. Never, ever, ask any entity if you’re “worthy of their time.” You are the Operator and your job is to command the spirit to appear before you, not be all weak and wishy-washy.


I just wanted to be respectful and not offend, that was my sole intention, can you tell me how can I improve and if I shall do this again? @DarkestKnight

You will not offend a demon by commanding it. It’s what you’re supposed to do. Only those humans who worship and bow to demons think it’s disrespectful. The demons themselves do not. Several people on this forum have even been told by the demons directly to command them, not crawl on their knees and beg. They have no respect for weakness.

Remember, you have the divine spark within you and are basically the universe in a bottle. All spirits will respond to you when you learn to command them in your own holy name.

From the Book of Azazel: “the demonic hierarchy is as follows: the Operator, and then everything else in existence.”

From your description, is seems you were simply praying to Gremory, rather than actually summoning him. Is that what you were doing or were you trying to evoke him?


Yes, you’re absolutely right, I was praying instead of summoning, shoot, I should have researched better, thank you so much for pointing this out, what shall I do now/ next, what shall I do to summon and not pray? @DarkestKnight

Have you tried a petition? That’s generally a good place to start.

To evoke requires a bit more effort. First you need to find a method of evocation that fits your circumstances. If you can’t draw a 9 foot circle on your floor, you can’t use some formal systems, for example. The method below was made for beginners to learn as it’s less structured than more traditional methods. give it a try:

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Thank you so much, I will study both the posts a few times and do things properly, only 1 thing that is of concern for me right now is that ever since I did the ritual, I feel pressure in my forehead and 3rd eye area, idk why.

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Attempt #1 of doing the invocation the right way!

Okay so just like " DarkestKnight " had tagged the evocation post a few nights ago, I read it multiple times and practiced how I would be doing the steps, today finally after coming back from work after sunset, I decided to perform it, lighted up the rose incense and then lighted up a white candle, turned of the lights and followed the steps by the book, did not feel any presence or any other signs, said my wishes and repeated the enn, after this was done I burned the sigil and went for a walk, after I came back from the walk, I just felt like using AI to generate some lovely images of Gremory and then one thing led to another and I started generating naughtier images, admiring the beauty I got really horny and started visualizing she was with me in front of me and I am tried smelling her body, licking it and fondling her and I kept taking her name, the sigil was open in my phone and I masturbated looking at the ai generated photos, the orgasm was really powerful and I had goosebumps all over my body.

Is it normal to not feel the presence, or any signs or even get any messages telepathically?

Was I wrong to masturbate to her ai generated photos, will this piss her off or make her annoyed?

@DarkestKnight @Mulberry @A_Pariah

Sorry if I sound really desperate or stupid here.

Yes, because you haven’t developed the skills necessary.

Possibly. It could be seen as disrespectful, though I doubt it really had anything to do with Gremory at all, to be honest . It just seems like a very weird thing to do.

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FML! :skull::skull::skull:

but is it wrong in general if anyone masturbates thinking about the spirits they were trying to evoke or looking at their AI generated images is offensive and doing the deed?

To be frank, what you did had nothing whatsoever to do with the magick you performed. It was just you fulfilling your own desires. It was basically just jerking off to porn. It wasn’t “wrong” per se, it just had nothing really to do with the spirit or the magick.

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Understood, should not have gotten carried away, I feel really stupid.

how can I develop them?

shall I do the same evocation on friday?

Actually take the rime to build them up. There are exercises you can do.

Why would you need to?

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just like a improvisation on what I did today sometime ago but I will get some offering for her like a rose and convey my wish again?

yes, please, can you suggest some?

Here’s one:

You don’t need to harass the spirit. Assume he got your first request.

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oki oki, noted, thank you so much!

I am feeling really embarrassed for what I did and I feel like I may have offended her, is there any way to that out? and how can I really apologize to her? Ever since I found out about the goetia, I have been really drawn to Duchess Gremory and I dont wanna lose her or make her mad at me. @DarkestKnight

Just make an offering and say you’re sorry.

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