Detecting LARPers

This all of this. I have had so much happen to me since I stopped running from who I am and embraced it. This post would have help not believe everyone. And trusting myself. I am so lucky I have an support system with this. Amazing members here and even my mom and grandma who hide stuff for all whole life until now.

I would love to say it’s all rainbow and sunshine it just isn’t. I have seen some of my darkest days fight for what my souls wants.


Ok i see what your getting at now but it still the fact that plenty of us do post about these things I for one hate to be called a lier but we’ll…I’m also very argumentative…it’s the thing about how do you know what is real or not … Is also something I am asking to since I my self can’t tell who is real ànd not real anymore on balg


Just as you want him to understand you, you need to understand him as well. As an outsider, this is my opinion, it looks like you’re trying to force your view.

I know you’re not meaning or trying to but this is just my perspective.


No not at all I see what he is getting at but for me as I said now a day going through the thread list I can’t tell what is real or not any more the way i use to because of the fact being there are alot of members here who are either larpers or not my thing is what distinguishes what real or not real how do you tell if we all post àbout the things that are considered larping or far fetched to believe


That comes down to the difference between theophany - contact with spirits, up to and including “the” God. Source, etc - and magick, which is defined as “the Science and Art of causing Change to occur in conformity with Will.”

Creating a chaos sigil involves no spirits, no big revelations etc., and may make that person’s life much better. THAT is magick.

Marrying a demonic King and being told you are his sole ascended shakti, that he will do anything to have you etc., is NOT magick; nether is realising you, and you alone, are Lucifer’s chosen Son carrying his heritage to manifest on earth.

These are both theophanies, and very often the people having them, and going big on that early in their magickal career, find themselves unable to improve their material circumstances even slightly, nor have any influence on anyone else, because they don’t bother trying to move past the fancy titles.

Sometimes they can be actively harmful if they hold the person back from making other improvements in their lives; sometimes they can be a mixture, where they help the person in some ways and seem to hold them back in others; occasionally they can be the gateway to both profound personal empowerment, and material success (I write this btw as someone married to a spirit myself for years).

The majority of us exist in a middle ground where doing magick leads to theophanies, many of which are extremely similar, as I posted before and will repeat here:

I’ve written about this on here before - ANYONE who does spirit work, be it healing, love & light, or the kinds of work we do here, will at some point be told something like this - that they’re the child, or other kin, of a spirit, the incarnation of a major god or demon themselves, and/or that they have some massive role to play in global consciousnes, and so on.

Many, MANY people get fucked over, thinking this is JUST happening to them, and completely lose the plot.

But here’s the thing: you are GOD. Big G - Creator of all, the one and only source of all forms in the universe, so, yes of course you’re also Shiva’s son, Hathor’s father, the God King of Mars, the future Christ-Child, the Nephilim battle chief, you name it - it’s YOU.

IN you.

Emanating FROM, you.

But not ordinary you - not the you that farts, flosses, and follows a sport or TV show, the You that is also emanating all these currents and channels is the cosmic Source of you, Source of all things, so when it resonates on one of these harmonics and a spirit starts telling you that you’re the next big deal, bear in mind that it’s resonating energy and discussion of potential, and that you are no more (nor less) special than anyone else out there, but - and this is IMPORTANT - that you do, like everyone, have the POTENTIAL to live into the thing you have been told.

So yeah, you are Abaddon’s son, for sure, and no with respect Sic_Draco this isn’t a psy-op - this is what happens when you start doing magick.

The “child of” (or wife, father, incarnation, or ruler of) means that you’re in harmony with the energy of that thing, so you’re the child, guardian, progenitor of that energy - and nothing more (nor, less). You are the child right now of the Abaddon consciousness emenating from (or held within the mind of) the Source, which is also, the consciousnes back of, and behind, everything that is you.

This is how Egyptian kings, like many others (who were also priests or shamans to begin with) got the whole mantle of being living gods to their people - someone told them this, and they formalised it. And if they were good protectors of their people, they even lived into that mantle, and earned the right to its recognition by doing the work that was required of them, and expected by their people.

This is why the PGM formulae all discuss being one with, or as the child of, a god, and again, when the magician steps up to do the work, he or she IS literally acting as a god, has taken that potential and is living it, manifesting it, in that moment of shaping reality to comply with will.

It’s no big deal, to be told these things, but it’s also a fucking huge big deal, because it’s TRUE for each and every one of us. :slight_smile:

Coming back to your question @Bunnygamer1994 “how do you get the proof needed to show who is ligit or not,” I would suggest there is an increasing need for new magicians to see beyond self-appointed titles like spouse/child/incarnation of a spirit, and look to the magickal goals they have, and how far that person can aid them, from their own skillset.

Magick is about getting shit done; everything else is just the background, or ways and means. :wink:


So calling myself an avatar of “insert any moon god here” is a theophany and harmony with lunar energy?


Omg thank you cause this does help me alot cause as I said I can’t tell real from not on here even more so you have me a lot of great info as well so thanks for that :blush:


IMO yes, could be a great foundation for awesome work, but the title alone is not the same thing as being a magician.

Some people are born exceptionally gifted in some way, but that does them no good unless they work and develop those natural gifts.

And some people are given great fortune (lottery wins, or born into rich families) - again, it’s about how they handle it after that pouint, which determines their success.


Makes perfect sense and gives clarity on some aspect of my child hood…

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reminds me of something my moms friend told her when she was pregnant with me. My mom’s friend by means of association I guess as they practise the faith of Wicca is a magician correct me if wrong.

My mom told me that her friend placed her hands on her stomach while pregnant with me that “this kid is going to be special”. I do consider myself a magician; just a magician that uses his mind rather than the tools IE candles and stuff as I’m unemployed and can’t buy the resources yet.

Am I doing the work? Yes, trying to anyway. Do I work with demons? Trying to get into that after all the Christian fear that was instilled into me. I do work with Runes and Heathen practises though


Tools are just accessories, nice sometimes, useful occasionally, but not the core of magick, which is your internal subjective (desired) reality becoming the external objective reality.


I. Started doing the letters of intent instead of calling on them since I can’t seem to get into the whole deep state of mind any more cause I’m always interupted by some one or something…


I know that feeling. In my working with the Goetia now, I combine my Norse practises with some Buddhist elements to evoke the Goetia. IE instead of believing “Oh god hell waits for me, these spirits are from hell and will possess me if I’m not careful” I focus on “Well heaven and hell are both different kinds of trips in the Bardo”


Lol I work exclusive with the goetia I haven’t been able to work with others cause my job with them is not done yet…plus…idk who else to work with or get a noted sigil for said beings…lol I have yet to call on all 72 yet but I will in my own time when that time comes I’d rather take things slowly to build and work on things they want to teach and help me with in life


Ugh way to single me out. Were working on the manifestation aspect now.

But in all seriousness im glad this thread exists. Disagreement and debate is healthy and good when done mindfully.


Which Runes?

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Elder Futhark

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Ah, not my cup of tea but all Runes are gorgeous :smiley:


14 posts were split to a new topic: Rune magick

I am jealous that i did never expressed my feelings that well…good job!