Describe voices of entities here

I think the subject of mental illness is very misunderstood. I think ALOT of people hearing voices are hearing spirits. For most people it takes time and work to develop parts of the mind that can see and hear. Some people don’t have the ability to block them out and cannot shut them off when desired. Taking meds it seems closes these doors in the mind allowing it to function again with it’s normal barriers and defenses.

I Know more than a few people that have had to strike a balance between the meds and thier natural abilities. Very interesting.


Lady Hathor sounded like a Somali woman to me in dream time.

Otherwise I usually hear spirits in my voice

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King Bael’s voice is booming and echoey, like the stereotypical God or Jesus voice talking over an intercom. Almost like Supreme Leader Snoke, but warmer and less raspy.

Marbas sounds like how a non-British (American accent) Liam Neeson would sound, with the speech patterns of Darth Vader.

Orobas sounds like a chill 20-something college roomate stoner, with a slight tinge of Satan’s voice from The Adventures of Mark Twain. Sometimes his voice cracks and does this higher-pitched horse neighing thing where he sounds kinda like a battle droid from Star Wars, but for the most part it’s sorta like this, but a bit more monotone:

Furfur sounds a lot like Cerberus Alpha from Mischief Makers:

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Yeah he does kinda sounds like that. I find he can be very chatty over cigarettes.


How bune sounds?

Dunno haven’t evoked Duchess Bune yet.

Does he enjoy smoking cigarettes, and do you offer them to him?

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Oh yeah! The Prince he smokes REALLY REALLY fast too. When smoking he likes to make banter and tell you things that will come to pass. Other people’s secrets. We bond over cigarettes all the time.


This made my day. The mental image of a big black horse spirit smoking cigarettes while chatting is pure comedic gold. Knowing what he’s like makes it even better. I wanna talk to him some more; haven’t seen him or heard from him in months. I wonder if he’d be down for some jam sessions with me in the astral or ethereal. I figure it would be an efficient way for me to practice drums (during sleeping hours) and a hell of a lot of fun if Orobas plays guitar or bass, knowing that his musical tastes are similar to mine.


He really likes spanish guitar.

This is his favorite song that I’ve found so far. There are like five guitar solos in it that he dances too. Or rather prances too.

He’s a very interesting spirit. I never get tired of him


I’ll have to practice that one. Could you ask him to come over to my house sometime whenever he’s not busy and make/play music with me? No pressure and no rush; just whenever he has the time. Even if he’s not great at guitar, it would still be fun to jam with him sometime. Also, tell him I say thanks, and that I think he’s awesome.


I see him every Monday morning I’ll be sure to tell him you’d like him to drop by. I’ve been pacted with him 21 years. Very recently my hearing got to the point where we can talk.

Oh btw he knows everything past present and future. So he knows you want him to come by. I’d expect him sooner rather than later.


Amducias does not talk so much he likes jokes and riddles, he choses to show things better than talking he likes runes though

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Tricky to answer in a precise way but here goes:

Lucifer’s voice is a mellow voice. If I hear it he communicates mostly through visual impressions.

Belial’s voice is a strange one it’s a deep, hissing voice similar to the skull door in Skyrim. That is if he speaks at all otherwise he’ll drop an imp

Azazel’s voice depends a bit from time to time. It sounds a lot like Kratos from God of War:

Amaymon speaks very little mostly communicates through imagery. If he ever says anything it sounds - bit like this:

Like the first part of the voice that supposedly speaks ancient Egyptian.

It’s the same echo effect and the tone is a bit more rounded.

Namaah sounds a lot like this

But just out of earshot.

Ahriman “voice” is well…soundless but it’s loud it’s really difficult to put into words.

Lillith makes voice sound a lot like the actress Ingrid Pitt, the Voice of Elisabeth Bathory. An example of how I perceive can be heard in this song from this band

At 8:39

Then we have Hecate, her voice unless she shows you visions of what she was wants. Is very commanding yet is very much a silky alto voice.

Aigash - is like a crossover between the hissing voice of Belial and the “voice” of Ahriman. It’s like hearing a hissed whisper that’s filling your head from everywhere…

Freyja - sounds quite a good deal like Nariko in heavenly sword.

These are the spirits I can clearly recall hearing a clear “voice”. However, before that it was just telepathic words. Also they don’t have these voice all the time these voices changes it seems with what aspect or rather form the choose to come in.

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The entity that is probably more famous on here- Arachne’s voice in a couple OBEs and it sounded silky, seductive almost, not high pitched, maybe even on the lower side but just barely, strong regal queen sounding. (Funny just heard a Carpenters song briefly in my head thinking about a close comparison) and now thinking about it, at least for me, sounds kinda like Karen Carpenter’s singing voice but speaking and like a respectable regal queen (apologize for a confusing description) that is when she’s in a good mood/being comforting, not extremely low either. Can also be harsher, in which case, reminds me of my own rage dialed up, it got deeper yet shrill like exploding almost, thundering and shook me back into my body. or maybe because she was screaming to reprimand me in the harsh climate where we were for me being an idiot and asking, what in hindsight was, a dumb question, way too loud (lesson learned)

Some unidentified entities/beings:
Someone who introduced herself as “Root” or “Ruth” “Of the Elder ones” and she performed an intense healing on me- kinda cute sounding like an older gentle grandmother making you tea combined with the cutesy squeaky sounding voice of Salad Fingers (YouTube cartoon character)

“Slimy hands”- dunno what to call him? clear, deep, somber, patient, like an older gentleman, booming and echoey/ weird circumstances that we met when I assumed I ‘died’ in an OBE and in the blackness of a moment of death, but not a deity

Some cowboy sounding being, dunno how else to explain that haha, like older man with a Southern twang. Heard it again when I accidentally went to one of the realms of Chinese “hell” and in that twangy accent said “do you know where you are” and when I didn’t know he chuckled and explained “well you’re somewhere that you Chinese might call the place of burning rain” - a place where the rains and winds are supposed to be painful though I never felt the pain (later talking to my mom and Google search learned there’s supposed to be a bunch of different realms for afterlife from Chinese belief, at least what I’ve heard. from my understanding, afterlife is all called “hell” and we burn “hell money” for our ancestors every year on this holiday so not really the same concept of Christian/Western “hell”. Interesting trip that time and he led me safely back to my body and I suspect he was the reason I was unscathed by the rain and wind when I was there.

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Yeah I experience most communication with spirits other than Prince Orobas as being shown things. That’s a good way to put it @DarkPhoneix.

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If I may ask, has anyone sang with Spirits? Had Spirits speak haikus, poems?

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Hey can we talk about arachne through PM if you can

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Duke Dantalion has a low gravelly voice, reminded me of the sound of a gust of wind from a tomb or crypt.


AZAZEL: Almost exactly correct, only with some noise distortion.