Descendant of Blood Ritual

Could you please give me more information? If there is anything else I need to know? Do I need to do it on a particular Moon? What’s the difference between doing this ritual or the “Ode to the vampire mother” ? Is it filtered cow blood good for this ritual? Sorry for bombarding you with questions, I just want to know so much :grin: thank you.

There was absolutely no need to copy and past the entire previous thread. You could have simply linked it, by copying the URL, and adding your questions, like this:

I will tell you flat out right now that you will not “become a vampire” using a ritual or a spell. Vampires are a myth so forget all the Hollywood and fantasy novel nonsense about being young and living forever.

The traditional mythology of the vampire is that of a walking corpse, ugly and withered, that drags itself out of its grave to feed on blood. It stayed that way until Bram Stoker came along with his fictional Dracula, and now people think vampires are either pretty boys that sparkle or gentlemen in evening clothes that seduce young virgins.

What you can learn is the practice of psychic vampirism where you feed on the energy from other living beings. That is an actual bonafide spiritual practice.


Oh I think I am figuring it out on how to do it in a proper way, thank you so much😁 well then what’s about the Terrockan topic ? Are you saying that is a fake one? And there is no true in it?

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Yes, I’m saying it is fake. If you look at the purported effects of the ritual, they are nothing that you can’t get with simple hypnosis and subconscious programming.

Not related to the question at hand, but…are goths considered magical creatures or something now? :thinking:


I always thought they were a minor sub species lol


Well I guess that was dumm of me🤦‍♀️

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From what I can gather, it looks like there is some truth in this after reading the effects of various spells, rituals, and invocation of certain deities. But it also sounds like this was something based off a kernel of truth and then was told again, the addition of much exaggeration, kinda like the telephone game. And for people who believe in it wholeheartedly it seems to work because the manifestation and self confidence that is inspired by their faith that it worked is the actual cause of the so called “effects” also I’d bear in mind who some of these “spells” and “rituals” seem to be targeting as their audience. In this case people already treated like shit and, beat down. Also consider how “goth” is mentioned as if we are some Magik creature. The language just screams ignorance


@DarkestKnight who are you calling a sub species? XD


I still have a lot to learn , and I appreciate you guys opening my eyes.

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And a subspecies of what? :thinking:

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Obviously, a sub species of magical creature :rofl:


I thought that was more of a category than a species though :thinking:

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Okay, then Goths are a sub species of cryptid, maybe? :thinking:


That be a a category too, I think. Subspecies would be a species within a species. Like a vampire is a species but can also be a strigoi or lamia for example. :thinking:


Mostly referring to fiction here


Exactly, subspecies for example would be like pastel goth, or cyber goth which are sub species of goth. Or another example death, thrash, doom, black, and stoner are subspecies of metal and metalheads just a little info XD

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Well for metal as music it’s a sub genre but same concept XD

@LilithBelle I replied on the older topic about this, and will merge this into that, in a mo. In general I agree with @DarkestKnight that:

That said, you do you, though you might want to ponder why an entire industry would work through several generations of media to change that image, and try to make people have benevolent thoughts and even get so turned on by it that they give de facto consent (welcoming the vampires in is important in all the lore) for the aforementioned hideous things, which drain the blood of the young and thrive upon selifishness, exploitation of the weak and vulnerable, and a form of supremacism in which normal people are treated as cattle, to be misled and deceived (see George R.R. Martin’s early novel “Fevre Dream” for more on this). :thinking:


I’ve always got to give props to the “question everything” mindset. That’s actually number one on my list of steps for truth finding and self awareness.:metal:

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