Descendant of Blood Ritual

And a subspecies of what? :thinking:

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Obviously, a sub species of magical creature :rofl:


I thought that was more of a category than a species though :thinking:

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Okay, then Goths are a sub species of cryptid, maybe? :thinking:


That be a a category too, I think. Subspecies would be a species within a species. Like a vampire is a species but can also be a strigoi or lamia for example. :thinking:


Mostly referring to fiction here


Exactly, subspecies for example would be like pastel goth, or cyber goth which are sub species of goth. Or another example death, thrash, doom, black, and stoner are subspecies of metal and metalheads just a little info XD

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Well for metal as music it’s a sub genre but same concept XD

@LilithBelle I replied on the older topic about this, and will merge this into that, in a mo. In general I agree with @DarkestKnight that:

That said, you do you, though you might want to ponder why an entire industry would work through several generations of media to change that image, and try to make people have benevolent thoughts and even get so turned on by it that they give de facto consent (welcoming the vampires in is important in all the lore) for the aforementioned hideous things, which drain the blood of the young and thrive upon selifishness, exploitation of the weak and vulnerable, and a form of supremacism in which normal people are treated as cattle, to be misled and deceived (see George R.R. Martin’s early novel “Fevre Dream” for more on this). :thinking:


I’ve always got to give props to the “question everything” mindset. That’s actually number one on my list of steps for truth finding and self awareness.:metal:

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Could you please give me more information?
I can’t find anything anywhere and the one guy that posted it vanished…
Is there anything else I should know about it?
Do I need to do it on a particular Moon?
How many times does this have to be done to see results?
What’s the difference between this ritual and “Ode to the Vampire Mother”?