Cortisol is not related to depression but to anxiety.
As I said. It is lame to ignore an area. We are more than biochemicals, psyche, emotions or our circumstances.
Apparently people don’t read me properly, or don’t understand.
And you think depression and anxiety are unrelated? Those are bipolar. They are two extremes that manifest for the same reason.
Who is the one ignoring an area here? Youre denying a commonly known association.
Like joy/sorrow ones the upper
The other is the downer.
Doesnt mean they arent associated, 2 parts to 1 whole.
By your logic im not in pain for family dying because i didnt flip out in a hormone induced panic when it happened. Instead when im in shock i shut down and go numb. Does that mean im not grieving because im doing it different than how some others would? No. There are peopl who react by shutting down. Some others are so emotional they cant operate for some time. But regardless of HOW it happens, it happens for the same reason, you are greiving.
Depression is not sadness. You are confusing emotions with diseases.
It is not my logic, it is science.
Also, you are describing again emotions, not diseases with your last example, again.
Youre putting words in my mouth. Never did i claim depression is sadness.
Emotions are hormonal, they are relevant to this. How the hell you gonna talk psychology “science” and disregard emotions?. I cant take you seriously. I dont know if you go to school for this or have, i did, from what i was taught and from my experience, i humbly disagree with your opinion.
But psych is a gray area with a lot of differing views so, leave it at that. I prefer to view things from a jungian perspective. Archetypes and such.
Agree to disagree.
Peace to you friend
Emotions are not just hormones. Actually there are a lot of other biochemicals involved in it, as well as genetic factors and socio environmental factors too.
Where did I do that? You clearly haven’t read my posts properly.
Again, people using their presumed knowledge as a wayy to reinforce your opinion.
If you were a registered professional you wouldn’t identify directly yourself as such when giving personal opinions (because what people say are just opinions until there is shown evidence of it, which it hasn’t happened until now). This is not my opinion, most of the health care profession Codes actually have this as part of the lines to be respected.
That is because your opinion can be taken as gospel truth when it is not evidenced.
I could say that I am a doctor and be insert politics opinion and some people would be influenced by me.
Psychology is indeed a mix of science and humanities study, whereas psychiatry is mostly focused in the biological parts.
What makes me lose respect from someone’s point of view is when they claim to be professionals to prove a point, therefore breaking the Code they are supposed to be subject to apply.
To me, that proves another point, which is that they are liars.
Regardless, having different opinions is good, but trying to take advantage of someone’s vulnerable moment (like OP’s situation) to kinda prove people’s own opinion are gospel truth is rubbish.
At the same time promoting unsafe advice (like stopping meds without medical help, when we lack clinical context of the individual) is NOT ok, and proves that the person is not taking in mind the individual context and clinical background, science or not.
Also, I am discussing, not arguing.
Peace to you, my friend.
Youre still putting words in my mouth and going off about what OTHER people said. Peace to you friend. Seems you are very closed minded when it comes to psych. Did i say emotions are caused ONLY BY HORMONES? No i didnt. Youre assuming things because you want to be right so your skewing what ive said and bringing what others have said and then arguing against your own assumptions of what you thought i believed based on the little context you had.
Classical arrogance.
Im done discussing this i gave my opinion. Now humbly and respectfully follow suite. Back to OPS problem, ye?
I am just trying to be sensible, protect people like OP from harmful advice and promote some thinking. If that is arrogance, well then sign me in. I just consider myself too blunt, and English is not my first language, so to me being that straight to the point and passionate is part of my culture, not an attack.
If you have felt attacked, I am sorry you feel that way, because i haven’t attacked you.
But people like to justify that their beliefs are being attacked instead of challenged because it closes room for self instrospection.
I actually read and analyse what it is written to challenge my opinions, but as I said, we need to be mindful because we can give harmful advice to vulnerable People who suffers from diseases, mental or not.
I do not feel attacked. But if english isnt your first language i can understand the assumptions made from the little context i gave.
My point here is that. Youre more focused on being correcr than helping op. Idk who suggested he get off meds. But meds should always be thr last resort. Because if in the case you COULD work through it, through self transmutation, typical lifestyle changes, or new coping mechanisms, then being on meds would inhibit those methods of healing and youd be stuck on meds.
Go to a uni now adays. Half those kids are handed out anxiety meds and they stay on those their whole lives when all they needed was a way to cope with stress of college life.
THIS is why i disagree with medicating until youve exhausted all your options helping yourself. Because as a member of this generation, i am seeing what the last generation is doing to them. Handing out meds for profit. Adderall is the worst of them where im from.
Before you go off about adderall i am aware that is not to treat anxiety but adhd. The two typically come together but. I feel i have to clarify this.
Aand you are right my friend.
See? We are actually in the same page. People don’t read properly.
Not at all. Op said that already was on meds, hence why I was trying to advocate for keeping the meds and/or titrating them down slowly.
Yes. Unfortunately we are not taught about copying mechanisms, which lead to an unhealthy life and diet, and ends up in biochemical disregulations sometimes.
Yeah you are right my friend. But that is another massive subject of discussion even within the medical society. Aderall is an amphetamine salt which can worsen anxiety if the people gets misdiagnosed with adhd, which happens a lot.
Overdiagnosis is due to lack of collective copying mechanisms as well as lots of other things, like people having a passive mind (easier to take pills than exercise eat well or go to therapy) and pharmaceutical companies wanting to get richer.
We’re on the same page now. Thanks for the discussion. It was most enlightening. Peace to you friend
If your medication isn’t working, you need to talk to your doctor.
Simply dropping the meds is extremely dangerous and can fuck up your brain big time. Don’t do that.
For some people, prescription is the only solution. And if they try to live without medication, life becomes really difficult. Overcoming the hurdles, while certainly cheaper, is a lot more difficult than it sounds. It can take years and some people end up “relapsing” (so to speak). Some are unable to do it no matter how hard they try.
I heard a story from a psychology professor about a patient of his who suffered from paranoid schizophrenia for most of her life. She would have terrifying visual and audio hallucinations that made it really difficult to support herself and hold down a steady job.
She was admitted to a hospital and despite doctors attempts to help her cope with her disability, nothing worked. She was still tormented by her hallucinations. Once she started taking medication, her life changed for the better. She hardly ever saw her hallucinations and when she was released from the hospital, she eventually found a job and is currently doing really well for herself. But when she forgets to take her medication, that’s when the hallucinations came back.
It can take a lot more than magick and spiritualism to deal with stuff like this. And OP can’t just quit the medicine as, like I said, it can really fuck up the brain.
dry fast
Neither!!! Just because you are depressed and unemployed doesn’t mean a hex has been placed on you, it also means that no one is going to do a prosperity casting for you either so you can get out of your slump.
Dear @GatIndianista,
I’d like you to look into this.
I don’t know if I have to tag you all to do a reply who everybody reeds, so I’m sorry if I did’nt need to tag you here.
Yesterday I saw there was a lot of replays, and I try to read them all, but I was very tired.
My shift at work begins at 1800 and I slep because of my tiredness I woke up at 20.00 scared and got there very, very late.
Usually I am this tired when I am depressed, so that’s because I was so scared! (my depression is gonna ruin my life once again??, this can’t be happening!, why I am like this suddenly??, or maybe I am really cursed and I’m gonna be sad or tired forever?? etc, etc…all of the many thoughts I was having).
Yesterday I went to the blog of Gallery of Magick and without expecting nothing I read the FAQ section on “Magkical Protection” and somehow ended up reading all the comments that people posted over there…I read the most old ones and this got my eye rigth away:
First I want to say thanks to the whole team of GOM books and website, we really appreciate this! I do have several questions:
- Is there physical effects of these spells? I did Magical Cashbook with no issues for the entire length of days. But then I started doing the Magical Cashbook, Sword Banishing, Master Protection Ritual, Protection For Loved Ones, 72 Angels for psychic powers enhanced, 72 Angles for Magical Powers to grow over the next years. Anyways the first day I dd all of these, I felt horrible, like panic attack or something with other effects for several hours it lasted. Everyday since I have been doing these 6 rituals I feel like my ears are full of water, I have headaches, which is unusual for me, and my body feels funny almost like sore in some places or cold coming on, it could have nothing to do with this but its weird how this started happening now. I feel weak as well sometimes and super sleepy. I do not want to stop the rituals though as I know they have certain length of days.
and the anwer was:
2.) Mild side effect can occur, and are usually a sort of tired feeling. If there’s any anxiety, and you’re new to magick, it’s most likely to do with the newness. Magick itself, although stimulating, is a calming influence and will not be the cause. If you do feel too stirred, though, take a break. There’s more on this here; A Touch of the Supernatural – The Gallery of Magick
So in the link posted there is these:
Post-Ritual Tiredness
A drowsiness or tiredness that occurs immediately after performing a ritual. For some it happens every time they do magick. For others it’s occasional, and in some cases it only happens when working with particular entities. This is a harmless side-effect, but one that can be inconvenient because you may feel a strong urge to sleep when you become this drowsy. If so, plan your magick to coincide with your need for some post-ritual shut-eye.
Some occultists insist that drowsiness is brought about because the ritual has drained you, but I doubt that is the case. (If you do feel consistently drained, the situation is easily remedied by using the Light From The Dark ritual from Magickal Riches .) I’ve found that this sort of drowsiness usually occurs because the ritual has been either stimulating or calming, and the aftermath of either state can be a luxurious relaxation. It’s as though the ritual has taken you to a place where you are fully yourself, and all the stresses of the world fall away. When that happens, it’s natural to feel drowsy.
There are also times when this sort of drowsiness occurs for no obvious reason. I’ve heard countless theories about vibrations and energies, but the truth is that nobody knows the actual cause. What matters is that this drowsiness rarely lasts for long, and does not affect results. Occasionally, people report utter exhaustion when performing rituals. In those cases, it’s worth ensuring that you’re using some form of Magickal Protection , to ensure that nothing is interfering with your workings.
SOOOOOOOOOOO It seems my tiredness is not about depression (or at least not completely) or cursed after all!!! Because I started this thread exactly because I was feeling extremely tired!!!
I have so many new questions regarding magick and why I have this, but I think that first of all I have to try Light From The Dark ritual from “Magickal Riches” first, because I think the tiredness it’s not going anywhere.
I will read all of your answers, and I really appreciete the advices, the points of view, the help in general, you all are the best! Thank you!!
There’s no need to tag us all.
Yeah, that is what I was thinking…
argh!!! Hate those type of people!!! Sadly there are a lot of those here too…Yes, indeed, one has to be very careful when you pick one particular individual to help you and whom you can trust your issues (fears, thoughts, desires, etc)
oh ok, sorry
No probs! The forum does all that stuff for you.