Demons of Magick: Three Practical Rituals for work with The 72 Demons by Gordon Winterfield

Thanks! Do you have any personal or even anecdotal knowledge of DoM rituals successfully contacting him?

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I’ve poured through the search function, topic by topic by comment, and you are the first relevant specific reply I have found (after 3 months!)


Nope, i mostly learned evocation using Koetting’s techniques and generally stick with them because they’ve been effective for me, although i’m not opposed to trying other’s methods and probably should, its just a question of finding the time to experiment with them vs what i know works when i really need something done.


do you only believe it give extra power to the ritual. or did you also seen it works better in getting the results?

how could i use this sigils? in which of the 3 rituals? but what exact moment do i need to apply those rituals?
also do you have a univeral circle? do you know of a unversial circle would beneficial to ritual II
connective evocation?

you could buy online a gift card.
that how i buy things on amazon

A post was split to a new topic: New member intro

From where you got the big version of sigil to print. I have got the kindle ebook

I don’t think it’s allowed to share those Sigils on the site as they are copyrighted. @Lady_Eva

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Thanks, yes @JESSS it is important not to share materials from books like that, this is the forum of a reputable publisher, so we have to be respectful of everyone’s intellectual property. :slight_smile:

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ooops sorry

What about Henry Archers book that combines angels & demons?

The person you are replying to hasn’t been on the forum for several years so he will most likely not respond to you. However, if you look at his post history, you will see that he has a mad hate for angels, so he will always claim that calling demons with angels is a bad idea, even though the experience of many other people show that not to be true at all.

Henry Archer’s book is great.


I have not had this experience at all. I’ve have called Belial in many situations using many different techniques-
I get the sense the KING doesn’t give two shits about the shem and other angels. Use them or not.
I’ve actually gotten the sense that he likes the angels. It’s a tribute to him to use shems etc…because using them shows him respect.


Hi Everybody! i was thinking of doing the petition ritual from the DOM book. The book says that you have to memorize the the core opening ritual, the core ritual and the first ritual, but i always mess up the invocation psalms as they are difficult to memorize. Will it be okay if i read the keys, psalms and rituals off a paper? Just wanted to know your views on the same.

I don’t think you are meant to memorize the keys and the psalms. I always read them off. What you should memorize are all the steps, and the God-names that you are called to recite.


I write down the steps. Short summary. And also write down all related psalms and evo keys. I Have never memorized anything with DoM.


Which method in your opinion gives best results-Ritual 1 or 2?

I’m thinking about working on the first ritual with Gremory any advice

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She’s amazing. She’s also fast, and she brings out gifts and goods if you let her perform without too many specifiations.


And did you have proper results?
Learn them.