Demons: how far they can go to get blood?

Ok, so two days ago I was reading a thread where someone was telling Belial liked blood a lot!

Then I have tell him: if that is blood what you want, I will give blood to you…
Because of the group workings from the friends with benefits, I asked Belial and Lucifer to accept my requests and I asked for protection,
I gave rhum and candles, and proceed to prepare my dinner…
Feeling lazy to cook, I opened a can of beans…
I didn’t see how it happened, but the can entered my skin and blood has spilled everywhere,lol,
I have put it all in the candles and over a white paper, I never ever gave so much blood before,
I don’t know why, I felt there was something hilarious about the whole situation!

Also, drawing blood has always been difficult to me, each time I do it now, I ask for their help, and poof the blood coming out doesn’t seems to even coagulate till I ask them to stop…

But because of this experience, I ask myself if it is common from Belial to make " small" accidents happens so he can have a extra drop here and there? :sweat_smile:


Well I said to him just don’t chop out my leg or a finger, hahaha ( just don’t chop anything :joy:)


When i did my work with Belial for the workshop he demanded payment of personal sacrifice for the lesson he gave in regard to how to use my own power. In my case a 21 yr old rum ive been wanting to get for the last 3 months but have had to hold off on due other priorities. :skull: :sob: :skull:


Lol Dinmiatus, so maybe that was Belial asking payment for all the works I did this month? That makes sense, thank for your input here!!!
That is crazy, because I had literary dream about a rhum bottle, and in my dream I said to me:
I will give it to Belial, he will enjoy that
And in the morning I bought him the bottle.
BUT I was lucky enough to find nice rhum in small bottle, 20 years old age, but in a small bottle I only played 5 dollars for that, the Martinica rhum, hehe!
I am planning in giving then next month a entire bottle of Jack Daniels, because they helping a lot, and also just for the fun of it…you know, going in a forest to bury it like a treasure!
But wow, he asked you blood and alcohol for this incredible gift he gave you?
So jealous here , sigh! :wink::wink:


To clarify he didnt ask for blood. Just the rum. Though i think id have preferred to give blood. The rum being a greater personal sacrifice for me since i had to sacrifice a desire i had for months, at least temporarily.


Interesting coincidence between us; I cut the crap out of my finger two days ago, doing the exact same thing as you, trying to get at some green beans. It cut deep and it bled profusely. I actually thought about “giving” it as offering, but I don’t have a personal relationship with any particular being yet. I just had to go about bandaging myself up and bitching at the green beans, can, and can opener… it’s funny in hindsight. But I had a bit of bad luck that day, the cut was only the last of about three things.


Man, what is it with can beans this week ? :joy:
Castalia, I still don’t think like I am intimate with Belial or Lucifer , it just happened they are the ones who most appeared in my dreams or sent lots of signals to show me they are watching in the background!
Some say giving blood is the best way for bonding, others think it is too much,
You do well in not giving so if you felt that was not the good time!
For now just lets save our ass and hands from unexpected surprises ! :sweat_smile:


I actually remember a couple times accidentally cutting myself and I would immediately get the thought of “Blood offering to… [insert an entity’s name here]


Lol and there are more and more to " insert entity name here" this last month!


I actually got a nosebleed the other day and had the really strange urge to burn the bloody toilet paper afterwards. I felt a poke when I thought of it, so it then became an offering. Toilet paper smokes like incense and burns forever into a velvety ash. Actually pretty cool. I felt really good all day after that.


Yeah I remember doing a spell with him and four other demons from anthology 3 and it stated to put blood on the sigil and what I heard from him was “More, more blood.”

I guess the precedent was set thousands of years ago and the spirits stuck with it.


This guy name is Michael Jordan? Sorry I found it so funny :joy:

I think all this blood stuff really depends in the relations people have with each entity,
And imo it has more to do with the idea of sacrifice then blood itself,
Even Lady Eva said Belial wanted her ice cream she was saving for later in her fridge :laughing:
Because for Belial it was a small sacrifice, and such a sense of humour ,haha!
For me I think he likes my blood, specially when I prick myself, because during years I was scared of needles or lancet and pretty anything that would do a hole in my skin,lol,
For the very first blood offering it was a huge psychological sacrifice for me…
Now I am good and lost this fear , thanks to him and Lucifer!
Anyway this piece of info was very interesting to read,
Also, what I am saying here is my own opinion , just that!


He wanted creative time from me- I spent over 6 hours on his drawing. I find time very costly to me I spend 1/2 with the kings in the mornings if not more.


King Belial never asked for blood from me , if i can recall i might have given 3 small drops for the deal :open_mouth:

and for a friend he asked for a sexual intrecourse but no blood… but it seems like he knew her from egyptian times and when she kneeled in front of him, he told her to stand up because they were “equal”:thinking:


Lucifer doesn’t want my blood and even stopped it when I tried to give it. He does like his sexy time though. Most of the time he waits for the invitation but there have been a few times he takes it NOW. I’m not complaining tho. :wink:


Ebdr, I know what you mean, he has been very sensual to me those lasts days, I still don’t know recognize when that is his energy, or the energy from someone he has sent to me, but all of this is always mixed with some blood craving!


I have never offered blood in my magick, and have had no problems working with Belial and his brothers. They have never asked for it. I have used blood but once, and that was in the consecration of my UC.


Yes, that is what I wanted to add, I have at least one friend who works with Belial, never this person gave any drop of blood, and the person in question had very good results working with him,
The person in question is more " goal oriented" too, not the same relationship I have with him!


I never talked about that in any case any rookie is around, reading:
Belial can assist you without blood, what I have write here is just my own experience, and to see if others where in the same boat, if we can tell it like that!


It does seem to be more about the sacrifice than the blood itself. I have issues with drawing blood and needles as well, but if asked for I will give it. Baal did not want my blood at all, 3 fingers pricked and not a drop from any of them. He seems to value time, self discovery, and growth. At least with me.