Demonic Version of LBRP

Hi, can anyone send me a link for LBRP demonic version ritual or tell me how to do it exactly? Also does the space become sacred after performing the Demonic LBRP there?

Please avail yourself of the search function on the upper right. There are many threads on this same topic already, and they have links to various LHP versions of the LBRP.

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thank you for letting me know :slight_smile:

There are some LHP banishings in this Forum but basically it’s about calling on Mahazael, Azazel, Samael and Azael.

Hi there can you tell me how to perform the demonic LBRP?
or tell me where i can find how to perform the demonic LBRP?

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You can do a forum search or a google search and find a few versions of this.

This thread is either an alternative to the lbrp or an addition to it. I don’t personally use the lbrp, as I prefer other methods of banishment.


Here is the one i use.



@varunrishiverma As you already opened this topic for this question, I have merged them together so other members can see what suggestions have already been made.

We generally try to avoid duplicate topics if we can, to help us keep the forum tidy and as readable as possible. Thanks for helping out! :smiley: :+1:


thanks a lot:)


Thanks! :slight_smile:

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such as The Star Ruby?


Such as the circle banishing, (Woodcroft) the sword banishing (Brand) and my own techniques plus servitors :slight_smile: