Demonic Pact With Astaroth

I remember only fragments about non-earth life, but I try to remember more.

I consider Astaroth to be the goddess of name changes.
“If I have forty names, then I will be empowered by forty different sects.”
I consider Astaroth to be:
Istrael, Ishtar, Inanna, Isis, Aphrodite Areia, Astarte, Ashtarot,

Astaroth rules over Venus and Jupiter.
Astaroth also has promoted herself past the rank of Duchess/Duke to the rank of Queen/King.

Astaroth used to appear as a gloomy male fallen angel with a close resemblance to Lucifer from the Dictionaire Infernal, riding a black dragon, but then later appeared to me in angelic female form with gold hair, also very similar to a version of Lucifer.
It has been said that her “seal of imprisonment” had been broken, and she can answer now to all of her true names, and appear as her spirit truly looks to her.
A few years ago she announced that Lucifer was her father directly. And a little after that, that Azazel was her direct brother.
I feel like most of this is considered to be well known at this point, but many others have different perspectives; from extraterrestrial origins version, sumerian version, greek version, etc. This might have to do with which realm you make your communications with as well. Some realms may be romanticized, others more related to science, or others may give the perception that it is within the sorcerer’s own psyche. Whatever works, for with all the various dimensions, all versions may be completely true in some place, while completely false in others.
I do believe that Astaroth in particular exists in many parallels across multiverses.

And a side note: Why does nobody work with the “Treasurer of Hell” when it comes to wealth manifestation?
I have developed the ability to see the energy current and flow of wealth, and it brings me great gains of like 400% on some one-week long stock holds in stock market.
I turned 5$ into 2000. I did the math, over the last year I could have made 1.5M from just doubling 10,000$ 7 times. Only problem is that my life’s challenges prevented me from ever coming up with a decent amount to start with. One of my friends followed one trade I made and he made 50,000$ in 3 days. Typically I like 100 day holds. Doubling something is a very good method of wealth aquisition.
Point is, I think working with Astaroth in her Treasurer aspect is very neglected.
She is not considered a demon of wealth like Claunek or Bune.
But they all work at the same bank do they not? :slight_smile:


Does this mean that the spirits are not omnipresent?

That is correct, although it only applies to her original name, Inanna, which literally means Lady of Heaven in Sumerian.

It is also true, that she is one primeval Goddess in many forms. I believe the Hindu term for her is Mahadevi. Inanna has become Durga in Hinduism, Tara and possibly Kwan Yin in Buddhism, Ishtar for the Assyrians, Astarte for the Phoenicians, Aphrodite for the Greeks and Venus for the Romans. Some would say that the Nordic Goddess Freya is also one of her aspects, as is the Germanic Ashtar.

In any case, once you understand what Shakti is, it all makes sense. A universal force can have many different manifestations, without the core consciousness undergoing any change.

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They do not exist in our spacetime continuum, or not normally anyways. They have to be evoked and given power to appear in our reality, which is what rituals are for. In their reality, time and space are irrelevant, these are attributes of the material universe that we inhabit.

So,giving them power meaning we’re more powerful than them…just they’re magical because they can do things beyond our moral value?is that it?

No, not at all, it is just that they exist in another reality. The really powerful ones (gods and goddesses) can easily enter our reality, they just won’t bother unless there is a real need to.

Magicians create a bridge to another reality, or an interdiimensional portal, if you will, so they can interact with higher-dimensional beings (in terms of physics, these beings exist in more dimensions than we do). This is not necessary for those that can raise their Kundalini to the crown, as in that case the portal is located in the Crown and is pretty much permanently open.

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It’s too much of a work…i thought a simple call will do,a simple prayer a simple wish since I thought they’re mighty and powerful…i must be mistaken them with the christian’s prayer system…

Most prayers are never answered, because there’s nobody on the other side. You have to establish a connection first, whether the deity in question is Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Mesopotamian or otherwise. This requires personal power, which most people don’t have. Build up your personal power and learn to evoke / invoke. The deity has to come to you or there must be some other form of connection (such as a mind-meld) in order for your petition to work.

There is a reason being a priest is a full-time job in most religions, though of course these days they are mostly for show, almost none of them can actually contact a deity, simply because they lack personal power and have neglected to work on themselves.

One part of being successful in magic is working on yourself and building up your personal power, nothing will happen, if you neglect this. The other part, learning the proper rituals (which I personally don’t do) and working with deities and various spirits (which I do) stems from the first one.

It is not often discussed here, but gods in particular won’t just work with anyone. You have to be judged and deemed worthy by them, otherwise they will just ignore you.

Certainly, most gods have an altrusitic streak and enjoy helping others, but equally, they are aware that most humans are undeserving of help and attention. They will assist only those that have done at least a modicum of personal development work and have some personal power and coherence of thought to be worth their while.

And that again make me more confused…i read through the christian’s bible and their forums…most of the time whether they’re priest or not everyone seems to worth of their god’s attention and rewarded according to what best and as long as it is under moral value…yes they have to work too,but not in a way to prove that they’re worthy…im confused…i can’t seem to find diff platform to compare…the more i read from both platform the more i feel powerless in contacting any demon etc… it’s hopeless…i meant,i as a human being needed god or deity or spirit that i can reach easily because i need help.but seems it’s too complicated to even reach out to any spirit,not even to say if i need to give them power,by being strong,what happened if im weak?im sick?im helpless?what if im bedridden?what if im so poor i cant perform proper ritual?so many question…

Mostly, they’re delusional. Occasionally, they can manifest something that they really want and will attribute it to some higher power, when it was really them that manifested it.

All of us have some magical power to an extent, but working with deities requires a higher order of organisation and power. That said, some people are naturally born with the ability to interact with higher beings, if they are born into the Christian tradition, then that is what they will work with.

Power begets power, the more you have, the more you can access and gain even more power. That is just the way the universe works. If you feel more comfortable working within the Judeo-Christian tradition, there are plenty of angels and saints that can act as intermediaries for you, and the Virgin Mary is really just another form of the Great Goddess. It doesn’t matter which manifestation or tradition you choose, just make sure you’re comfortable with your choice.


Thank you very much…i appreciate your unbiased opinion…i am surely need more reading etc…

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You’re welcome.

With all of the above said, I might be able to facilitate a visit by the Goddess in the form of Inanna/Ishtar. I have been successful in connecting people to her a few times, but also unsuccessful at other times. I really don’t know why. If you want to give it whirl, I can try and connect you, but no guarantees. I suspect it all depends on personal preference on her part.

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What’s her preferences?

I am willing to try

Can you please clarify, Inanna, Ishtar and Astarte - the same entity, is it right?

Yes, pretty much. Slight variations on the same theme. She is also known as Durga, Tara and Aphrodite

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Thank you! So, they are all “channels” to the same Entity.
So , you suppose to go to this Entity through the "channel " that most clicks with you personally, right?
How to determine which one is best click? Meditate on each? Try them all once to see which one resonates most? Can you technically chant all names during invocation, or it best to stick to only one name/channel?
And on what determinates what channel is best for you - your previous life(s), DNA,…?

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I can only talk about my own path, how it works for others, I have no idea.

I connected to Hindu (and Buddhist) deities, through an early childhood in India, when my family lived there. A statue of Lord Shiva always sat in my room, watching over me, but I did not realise the significance until decades later.

The connection to Mesopotamian deities in my case is part of a genetic, cultural and past-life heritage. I am Hungarian and we trace our ancestry back to the Sumerian giant and God-Kind Ninurta. Some linguists (though most would ridicule this line of research) believe that Hungarian is the closest living relative of ancient Sumerian and before my people converted to Christianity, they were Tengrists, Tengri being the same god as the Ugaritic El or the Mesopotamian An.

When I lived in London, I visited the British Museum regularly and was instantly drawn to the Assyrian / Sumerian exhibits, the most prominent one being from Uruk, Inanna’s holy city. Most of the exhibits there show Inanna, Enki, Utu and in one case, Ninurta defeating the demon Lamashtu. There is also the famous and controversial Burney relief, which is my avatar currently. There are also some artefacts, such as Jewellery, which are said to have been worn by Inanna herself, when she was on earth many thousands of years ago.

In any case, these original artefacts and my meditating on and contemplating them, created an energetic link, which the gods noticed and encouraged. This is how I got connected to them and they sent help when I was in desperate, life-threatening trouble.

So, personally, I think that original, consecrated artefacts, if meditated upon, will create a very strong energetic link between yourself and your chosen deity, so perhaps that is your best way in. Whatever you can find in your area (is it a temple of Aphrodite? A shrine to Tara? A temple of Durga?) is likely to be your best bet in choosing the aspect of the goddess you feel closest to.

That said, I once sent Inanna to visit a friend in need and she appeared as Green Tara, then Guan Yin to her, this despite the fact, the she was a Hindu. So, you never know which aspect will choose to contact you, she really is very playful and unpredictable in that regard.

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Thank you for sharing!
It is so much more easier to understand and learn when can relate. I mean , either being human or while having human experience , to acquire some skill is best when the skill is being shown, or shared. Makes so much easier to grasp the content. It’s like initiation. So thank you very much again. Reading through your journey and comparing, I 've realized quite a bit. At least I got an idea now where to start.
All best to you on your journey!

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