Demon to open up clairaudience?

I need a demon to invoke to help me open my clairaudience. I basically can not hear any spirit and I really want that ability especially to communicate with my succubus.


How is your trancework?

What kind of development exercises have you been doing?

Your succubus can help open you up (she’s probably your best choice since she is intimately connected to you) but you still need to develop the ability. It won’t just be granted to you.

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To be honest, I have done close to no work so I wanted an easy way and wanted to know if it’s possible. I have done some meditations before and asked my succubus but she’s struggling or it will take some time.

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Think of it like building a muscle. You are opening up an area of yourself that hasn’t been used for most of your life so it’s going to take time and effort to shake off the rust, so to speak.

Practically, work on you trance, energy work, and scrying.

Spirits can help to open the door by influencing your energy and unblocking chakras, but you will still need to build up the muscle with some effort.

Spirits that can help: Sastan, Raziel, Azazel, Mepsitahl, Satagraal.


You can also try the Belial gateway symbols:

And this mantra:

The YouTube channel Satania did an hour long audio of the mantra so you could meditate to it:


If you’re trying to open up clairaudience I would suggest a mental exercise where you focus on your left ear and really concentrate on every sound you hear, even insects buzzing or the sound of the blood in your veins. After awhile you will detect changes in pitch which are actually from your psychic (not physical) senses. I have also found working with Duke Bathin (from Goetia) very helpful in this regard.


By focusing on left ear, do I close my right ear with my finger?

I agree with that 100%

One method/exercise I was taught a while back when I was working on enhancing my ability to concentrate during meditation is by focusing on my hearing senses, to pay attention and take notice of every little sound, strangely enough by doing this i was able to to hear my thoughts and the occasional fainted voices of spirits communicate to me

Far as entity goes, I think Sastan can help tho he is categorized as a spirit guide rather than a demon

Are you able to have an internal mental dialogue with yourself? For example, argue both sides of a point with yourself, etc? Clairaudience does not come from listening to external sounds. It comes from listening to the inner dialog of the mind and allowing spirits to have a say in that dialog. Sometimes they take different voices. Also, try focusing on a point two inches above either ear and listening internally for answers to questions you ask internally.


How can I know if it’s not just my own voice who said the answer? I have always been able to have conversations with myself and I have all the “signs” of clairaudience. Though I never hear the voice it’s just me talking to myself in the head.

Listen for differences in tone of speech and ask to be given information you can verify.

Okay I tried it by guessing peoples and companies born/invention date. It came pretty close nearly every time with like a 70% accuracy. I am getting the gist of it.

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Try not looking at the clock and asking for the time.

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Can u hear them audibly?;only thing is hear , laughs and scream and Intuitive Voice telling me but that’s in my head Not an audible voice Fuck I can only hear creepy voices and laughs nthg more I heard PPL say these beings talk wit dialects…

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How do you know this? :fearful: I do divination through the time of the clock indeed

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No I can not hear anything, I only heard my succubus once in my life. That was only when she told me her name, she communicates through sudden immages, tarot, divination, time and songs.

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Start evoking more often make it like a habit
I started that as well after mustering some courage lol :joy:

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There are many demons that can help you develop your clairaudience. One option is Azazel, whom is known to have a strong connection with the energy of clairaudience and can help you establish communication with spirits more efficiently and profoundly. Another option is Paimon, who is considered to have an insightful and comprehensive understanding of the realm of the paranormal and can help you develop your clairaudience abilities. Additionally, Marchosias is also often invoked to assist in the development of clairaudience.


Halasana is amazing for this. When I do halasana and relax into the pose I am able to hear vibrations and flactuations of energy. I can feel my kundalini rising from the base of the spine to the head. The nature of the pose makes it easier for the energy to circulate.

When I meditate or do an evocation I can the energy in my ears activating.nevertheless during this pose, this ability is magnified.

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