Demon Lillith threatens to kill me

If you could help me you probably saved a life. Not even exaggerating…

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I was saying a little controlling because my original comment was she can be a bitch sometimes but I erased it since I didn’t feel like rustling anyone’s jimmies about her.


Not that I know of. I am the jag only one I know who knows magick and I havent had a beef with anyone.

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Sure, this thing parasite or not - lillith or not attacks my heart, organs. Completely horrifick

Are you on Facebook or anything like that and are you brand new or Magick? Parasites take advantage of brand new practitioners.


But it’s true :thinking: she is proud of that.


Yes Im brand new. I dont have facebook unfortunatly, but I do have instagram… that can surely be the case I was looking into magick for health resdons, mental illness mainly and called up a bunch of demons with sigil magick… time when by and the attackes increased and now its full on warfare


What have you done so far to combat it? Are you actually using the suggestions given to you by the multiple people?


Whoa you just saturated to call demons randomly. Yes I am leaning towards this is self caused parasites not an attack.


Yes I tried everything a possible can and taken advice. I been succesfull in gaining contact with spirit guides, ancestors, ascended Masters and now protection from Angels. I tried banishing

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Randomly calling out demons and doing many back to back is one hell of a way to cause attack on yourself as previously mentioned. That explains a lot.


I was so suicidal and stumbled upon this forum and thought I give it a try if I could get som help. Prayer didnt work, church, doctors, medication, my family basicly had abandont (sorry for my spelling Im from Sweden) me, I was starving had no money. It seemed like a last resort to gain control of the situation.

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and none of them could get Lilith away? like none of them? and that doesn’t sound odd to you? Lilith isn’t omnipotent/all powerful so atleast one or more of who you called should of been able to do something.


Something indeed doesn’t match here does it


These are all every valid points. Something isn’t adding up here.

@Samuel_Haus what random demons did you evoke?

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Ok bro, relax. The good thing is, you have angels near you helping you, that’s already a good thing, focus on that.

In addition, I would call Jesus Christ

Now, based on what others have said, @Darkprincess and @Angelb1083 , I would trust them and say it’s parasites, even though there’s still the possibility that it’s Lilith.

If it is indeed her, it saddens me because she’s close to me. But I will send you some mantras to listen to, mantras that invoke powerful Hindu gods.

Meditate on these mantras and pray to the gods then tell me how you feel


King Paimon
Lucifer and Lillith as far as I remember!

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All known to have parasites to answer instead them too.

This is going to be a lot of self help. Norse is at work but he might beabke to trap them maybe but you need to not be reckless with Magick.


Thanks, i give it a try.