Demon discussion and pictures

Ah! An alphabetical list of the enns. Perfect!

My ritual was nothing elaborate as mentioned. In a tent outside my man-yurt and earth mound under a good sized fir tree. There’s furniture in the tent and my small collection of tools and hand made black and even a white mirror. (I ran out of glass so no other solid color mirrors)

I used glow in the dark fabric paint and 3 led tea light Halloween candles. I drew the sigil/symbol of Buer on one of the mirrors and laid it flat (glue needs to dry). Then I got comfortable and started to chant the enn after listening to it for a bit. After a bit I turned off all the candles so the only source of light was the sigil. I continued the prepare getting into trance mode focusing only on the sigil and the enn (I did not focus on the common image though a wheel pattern like the old wagon wheels kept popping up so I let that stick. And a spinning wheel looks close to the earth part on the keys (to his house… or cars since apparently he can drive anything without even looking).

It was chilly but as I performed this simple enn and rocked back and forth on this very nice legless chair I started to warm up. It always happens. I’ve performed earth meditation in mid winter under the tree by the earth shrine and became broiled with heat. It end up with me disrobing completely eventually. That would be due to more than movement but some sort of energy build up. I will concur with various practitioners that this turns sexual as invoking is the act of drawing in. Well, I have no problem envisioning that and the spirits showed me like nature it’s easier and more pleasing to envision it sexually. Far different than say masturbating as you don’t touch yourself except at the very end to end the ritual and leave that as an extra offering.

This becomes the invitation as you chant asking them to come into you. You want them to embrace your, touch you in an erotic dance. At this point if I haven’t already I begin to sneeze. Yeah, odd as hell but I’ve tested this with spirits and it’s either I have a very odd nerve condition or that’s how I mundanely detect spirits (doesn’t matter which type be cythonic, elemental, fry, angelic, etc as spirit is spirit).

The invitation is usually accepted. If it isn’t then I research offerings but in most cases your mind, body, and spirit are enough. I’ve neglected that I usually do a cleansing mundanely and spirit far earlier but never at the shrines or alters. These places are continually consecrated and the only cleansing is fixing up the shrines and alters removing for needles, dirt, and other fallen debris periodically.

What of trickster spirits or worse. They see it as booty call, but they are generally chased away? What if verification? Well, that’s where trust comes in. These workings are usually more than one evening and various anomalies confirm the spirit. But I’m human so I could be tricked. Eh… doesn’t matter too much since it is a pleasure offering.

So yes, I eventually heat up to sweat mode it’s like a full body workout and I’m generally a bit thin skinned so I should be cold. Eventually, I get a flash in a part of my head like a prick. Sometimes I see the light correspond through nerves in my eyes like a white twitch or blue… sometimes it’s even red or green or yellow. This was more multicolored. At this point in chanting the enn and asking for Buer to come inside the mentality becomes sexual completely as arousal hits and I’ll leave your imagination to wonder. Mind, body, spirit or soul are being penetrated again and again. And this is where it really doesn’t matter if it’s “male””female” spirit as they all have ways to enter. Eventually you’re trying to have your chakras balanced and opened. I’ve found they prefer this in the feminine and weird so I visualize them as closed eyes and vaginas at the same time. The “tendrils” of the spirit probe much like in nature and you tease the spirit. Eventually they slowly thrust on in. At a certain point I just blank out. This can go on for an hour, two hours or more depending on the spirit. I’ve found it to be more effective this way than some of the traditional methods. And the tools are inexpensive if any as there are times I used none (just don’t trance out in public).

If my body hasn’t released (a difference from full body orgasm because you will be doing that) by the end then I do so manually. It’s really the only way to successfully end most of these invocations. So the “masturbation” isn’t even a key focus at all but an END.
Mid I don’t… well the spirit might rock my world all night and my back can’t usually take such a mounting since I’ve had 2 back surgeries.

I thank the spirit for their time and hope they had a pleasant ride.

After, I leave the extra offering in a cup. Clean up, dry off and get dressed since it’s always an orgie it seems.

There isn’t always a petition for anything. I’ve found the seductively try to get you to forget petitions as they are anxious to get down to business (the spirits I’ve been with which are usually erotic in some nature). Buer was the first with some extra petitioning. Beforehand (my toe, my bike, transport).

But the night isn’t over! Sure it’s well past night and I’m asleep. Well then the “dream”s

The first was travel. I was at a park doing something or other when I was picked up in a car (I can’t recall the make as it’s like BAMPH I’m transported inside and we’re driving into some Rocky Mountains and tunnels. There are three teenaged spirit girl companions and turns out I must be one as well. Ok, so Buer is driving (also a teen gal) and they all have that cheesy grin like… hmmm lemme find a pic I just saw

(Actually they could be in their 20s since now that I think about it… teens look like little kids at my age and these were decidely young women in appearance).
The smile was coy, and playful as well. The gals handed me a rainbow colored fruit by foot roll. I was hesitant at first but they were insistent. Buer turned around at this point and was still driving with ease. It was then I noticed Buer had more arms. And she (in this form) smiled so I started to eat the strip but the paper wasn’t separating (rather transparent paper) so I just ate it too and they all giggled and laughed. It tasted pretty good and BAMPH … I woke up.

I was still tired so I went back to sleep.

So next dream later Buer appeared more like

But perhaps different garments. He was registering as a brother in some fashion (arms, agriculture, travel??)

The location was something like my parents house but that dream morph shiz. Buer was clearing some of the field around very dead oak trees and invited me to help (I do this stuff irl). So I start and there’s these humming and muffled singing from somewhere and the view is panning around (hard to describe). The house looks bigger and yard field is odd too. Irl it’s a Scott’s broom Maze I created of paths like hedgerow but it’s dying.

I turn to Buer and ask about a book or meaning of something I don’t recall at the moment. He says “We must work on Sunday!” I ask the importance of Sunday and he goes all blank robot look and opens his mouth and all I hear and sort of see is binary and a weird sound but lots of 1010101010 probably in a different order. It was weird.

Of note: we have odd aircraft planes flying over the area all the time so they may be digitally mapping or searching and my brain picked up the signals. I hear 5G is a coming!!!

More choir like odd stuff and we circle around the property to look down the field and he points down field. I’m agitated and go on and book off the top of the gnoll and down the field paths which immediately morph. The ground is swampy and feels like the field is inside a massive building. The sides of the hedge now have swamp grass and trees etc and pieces of school basketball flooring in rectangle and square chunks along the path. I hop from chunk to chunk following the branching paths to the bottom of the field, backtrack until I get to the dead tree at the end (it’s dead irl too) and look at the neighbors field which doesn’t look like the one in life but appears as an exceptionally lush evergreen forest high kites in red/orange/yellow (but not fire). I wake up.

I ponder that all day. My toe doesn’t hurt as bad but is still damaged (I believe it’s TURF TOE)

Last night was a simple walking ritual of repeating the enns. I was feeling the spirit wanted round 2 but I wasn’t in the mood. My standard meditation around the giant circle saying the enn quietly. I saw the brightest falling star last night I’ve seen and the owls were booting up a storm. After a few hours I went to bed forfeiting my workout routine in my yurt as that’s where all my exercise gear is.

I dreamed just randomly with an awakening of a whisper… FOCOLAR.

Tonight I will do another enn meditation probably a walking one. I don’t need to have spirit boinking every night as it makes me sleepy. Forfeiting weight workouts is a terrible sin.

Sorry I can’t recall last nights dream but I again petitioned toe, bike, transport. I neglected an offering other than visitation.

Oh, during my Dailey routine near the post office I found this:

I need to pick up a copy of Asenath Mason’s RITUALS OF PLEASURE: Sex, Astral Magic & Demonic Possession

I believe there are techniques and approaches that could enhance and refine my very NEWB experiences.