Demigod vs Living God?

Where the fuck did Christianity come from… When everyone had their own gods…who knew long ago they’d be running the world’s economy right now…

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What the hell are you saying… Not being coherent enough

@Trishul66 I am saying I talk damn sure because just like you said, it will be something you’ve worked for, clear now?

No one is talking about superiorioty don’t deliberately misinterpret me… I’m talking about having an, edge… And what’s wrong about being superior??

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Ohh so we are on the same side?

That and because no ‘mage’ is the same, varying skills, abilities, cans and cannots, one mage’s energy system being further developed than another, one mage who relies on external forces as opposed to another mage who put more work into their personal energy body and skills, etc. When I see people mentioned that a time will come when it’s a time for ‘mages’ that’s how my mind interprets it because in the end it’ll be pretty much the same as it is now.

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Ohh… I was, referring to the ones who’ll be on the upside then.

??? Lmao

I can, say, I am superior to someone and if I have the evidence to back that up then… I’m probably right…

Ohh I get, the hangup
But well in a sense its right I mean to be called a, Mage you must, have the necessary skill set to qualify as one lol

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Like the title professor

I noticed the spiders too… Yes it’s spring,
but they keep manifesting in the same areas… Directly beneath me.
Or whenever I am writing in my spirit journal… Holy sh*t.

This first started happened to me about 2 years ago
a friend and I were outside talking about some dark things- suicidal thoughts was the topic,
something compelled me to look at her foot at the moment, and I saw a shadow?? it was fuzzy, not physical… All of a sudden she picks up her foot and a black widow runs out and she got her boyfriend to kill it. She hasn’t talked to me for years, and last month she contacted me consistently asking me to go to church like she’s on a mission almost… Low key suspicious to me. LOL

Off and on topic, last year I weirdly watched spiderman clips a lot yesterday,
I’m not a big movie watcher, but I felt the need to, and I realized a lot about myself, (we have the same mission,… it’s sad lol so I’m not gonna talk about it.

just weird huh, the synchronicity of my day yesterday, and your messages about spiders today loll

I had to youtube it because I’ve never seen the movies… I don’t really watch movies that often… LOL I watch movies in segments I guess

That’s why I think black mirror was onto something when they “brought someone back to life” using all of their data online… They recreated his brain using the data he left in his messages ( his mannerisms, things he liked and bought, music he listened to…

I first thought it was pointless to save a brain via cryonics because while ice can preserve it can also can destroy. I think the organ has an expiration date… BUT… Maybe we can still save it to reconstruct the patterns of the brain and the neural structure of the brain online… and using neuroscience and tech somehow recreate that consciousness, maybe almost exactly.

Wait I am rereading this, and I think I misunderstood what you wrote when I read it the first time.

I’m realizing it wasn’t how to recreate consciousness, but you were rather saying how would one control their consciousness until the body is repaired?

That is the question that keeps me up, where does our mind go when the body dies… What would happen if you brought that exact consciousness back? Would they come back exactly as they left? Or would they come back differently?

TRUE. I studied psychology at university AND ALL OF THE PROFESSORS OF SCIENCE,


all of those other professors denied spirit… They only see life in a mechanic way, in a soulless perspective… They refuse magick, and it’s actually banned to speak of and teach of because it can ruin your reputation/career… fuckin’ dumb how behind the sciences are because of this exact issue.

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Last month when I was training at the gym, I was channeling animal spirits within me, and for some reason I had this obsessive determination to channel almost all predator animals- lion, shark, tiger,

and one crane. Crane fly keeps visiting me, I wonder if the message of the crane fly and the crane is similar…

I’'m speechless
You figured it out

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I am surprised a science teacher teaches magick as well!

Hell yea, he’s so cool.
It’s because he studies the history of humans and all cultures…
He even showed us a documentary about a shaman for an entire lecture
so dope. It’s at UNLV

