And they get pushed,bent and at times broken. Working around,through and breaking the “boundaries” of reality is kinda of part and parcel once you start going down the rabbit hole of magick.
No, you cannot levitate multiple oreos at once, that is my point. As a 9 year heavily involved magician, you cannot break certain rules, DUH
–John Lilly
Yah, demonstrate this… I, of all people know that reaching for the stars is thee only way your gonna get into the cosmos… but you can’t be talking like that unless you be demonstratin’…
I would say this. Get lights dimmed/only candlelight. Get a video recorder with audio setup and ready to go.
Capture as best as possible any apparent energies in the room. Say nothing, this is not hollywood, this is a test of your ability to summon, dismiss spirits and handle their energy.
Banish. Have VR note no energies apparent in the room.
Call forth one spirit to manifestation in smoke or physical form, not invoked, evoked.
Have VR capturing the energy summoned forth.
Dismiss all spirits in the room.
Have the VR capturing no energy of any kind, meaning no spirits, orbs, etc.
Thats one simple test to prove yourself if you feel you need to do so.
But seriously now, the Marines have a standard fitness test that is just a run, sit-ups, and pull-ups/push-ups. Good enough for them, good enough for my godform
My current living state is my demonstration. If what most ascribe to “fate or destiny” had its way i would have been on the streets or dead over a decade ago. I took “fate” into my hands shifted what “Destiny” had written for me and am now in a career i enjoy with continuous growth, a good relationship and have the time to work on my practice and study any other fields that catch my interests.
How did i do this. By shifting fate and breaking the “boundaries” reality attempted to impose on me with magick and writing my own destiny. Good evening
I can dig it. I don’t know of any test that would prove that you aren’t a demi-human.
So, what’s your angle? I imagine that your fate tells a certain story, or projects a certain concept.
What is your “motto” or philosophy in regards to expressing the divine through a mortal shell?
You may be surprised at yourself. I found that although I’m of very average size and build I have great strength for someone my size. I curl 50 pound weights. Ivan only do about 6 reps but still it’s impressive for my size. I think the mind makes you stronger than you think you are. You may just surprised yourself. Cheers!
I mean… I get stuck in doorways sometimes because I wasn’t physically able to open the door all the way…
If you are one you would know it and wouldn’t need someone to confirm it for you. I am somewhat one but I owe that to my natural calling to magick and intentional modification I have done to myself over time and am still working on perfecting.
I had a natural talent and I built off of that and I can see the differences of where I started and where I am now.
It should be easy for you to instinctively sense and know the difference between yourself and others with no outside confirmation needed and it won’t just be arrogant delusion. You will be able to produce results with your spells or abilities and be satisfied with what you get. If not then you still have work to do to advance yourself and even if you are you should build upon that and yourself to become even stronger or another demi-god either naturally born or self made will just pass you by.
Update: I Set Up A meeting place with him in the AStrl rlm And the time… I Did to the place where we set to meet up but he didn’t t show nor did his energy … stood out from the others ‘A Demi-God Energy Will be on a completely different level’ Anyway He didn t show up there 'means he probably can t even rly astral project And I also thought that he would ve known it without anyone telling him if he was a demi god but still I thought I ll see for myself (Anyway he is not a nephilim) A Nephilim wouldn t have a hard time doing Basic Psyche Stuffs…
Yah cause your senses are that reliable and assumptions made about what nephilim blooded prodigies are supposed to be able to do are how it’s sposed to be
Your Claims…
Respect is earned, never given (beyond basic courtesy which is the norm on this forum).
Please do something to show rather than tell that you are some super-being, if you were MKUltra’d (a strange thing to boast about - havi ng been subjected to trauma-based mind control) teach people how to easily shift states without prolonged trauma, or if you are nephilim (as well?) share nephilim magick, things like that.
But accept there are MANY remarkable people of all different kinds on this forum, they naturally gravitate here because of the name, and claims alone do not mean a single thing.
Actually the last guy who was all “test me then tell everyone how cool I am” got himself into an awful lot of trouble, and I don’t mean moderation on forums, I mean real life stuff.
Okay, let’s hear more…
Genius level intuitive and psychic gifts … Care to Remote View me and sense my energy?
You died over a hundred times over? So what’s the dealio after death?
Transcended time and space … What’s beyond those?
Lucifer has a laser light throne? If you bowed down to him and was in hell, what was the experience like? So Christ was imprinted on you while in hell? Why? So the love light being that rescued you was Lucifer?
Your exceedingly intelligent … Must be nice. Btw, you have a few typos in your post.
Wow, that’s really original! Lol
Counter-clockwise, anti-clockwise, widdershins - I prefer the latter.
But most people don’t understand it.
This reminds me of when I was in college and wanted to be a hacker.
So I talked a good game. Learned a few things.
Then three different people asked me to hack something. I could not. That was the end of that.
I try not to write checks I can’t cash these days. Someone will call you out on what you speak.
A healthy dose of (what is the word I an looking for) being humble is a good thing.