Defeating a narcissist

This challenge has been the greatest one I have tackled yet, and it has been almost impossible to gain any sustainable results.

My group of friends has been infiltrated by a sociopathic, malignant narcissist. In just six months, she has almost dismantled our previously happy little group. She easily manipulates men and women alike, but men are her easiest prey. She is the worst human being that I have ever met.

She seduced and dumped one friend, and then falsely accused him of domestic violence and got him outcast from the group so that she wouldn’t have to deal with him hanging around.

A handful of us had her number from the beginning. We couldn’t convince the others, but eventually she did so much damage that we ALL got sick of her. She has worn out her welcome with everyone but about four people.

One of them is my ex.

She was cheating on him for the first two months of their relationship. Since he is in the middle of a volatile divorce, he’s falling hard for her love bombing. So much so, that in just six months, she has convinced him to give up his home and move in with her… making him and his minor son dependent on her for housing.

Now, she’s isolated him away from everyone else in the group. And convinced him that she also needs to rent an apartment in a nearby town for her “work.” This is how she cheated on him before… work traveling.

I have watched him go from life of the party to sitting silently in a corner next to her. She dictates every thought and every movement. Which people he is allowed to speak to. A friend recently told me that this woman now controls his social media account and monitors his messages as well. He has become a spineless husk of a man.

A friend of mine, who has never met them, says that she’s a “human succubus.”

Since January, I have been throwing everything I can think of at her. And getting a mixed bag of results.

The best thing I accomplished was the hot foot spell. Combined with the absolute chaos she caused, the two things have ensured a big ego blow and now she has tucked her tail and wants as little to do with the group as possible. She is looking to spend more time out of town.

The blowback of the hot foot spell is that she’s taking him away too. He isn’t allowed to be around us without her being there. A man that has spent the better part of almost two years building this group of friends. People that genuinely cared about him, until he aligned himself with her, and gave him a safe space to be himself. He hasn’t yet finalized his divorce and he hasn’t had even a minute of freedom. If he goes with her now, the others are already saying that he’s not welcome back in the future.

This is a serious problem. Time is running out. I have tried everything to get her to give him up, including sending her an amazing job opportunity and better romantic partners. But she just cheats on him, and took the job, and now will cheat on him even more.

Nothing I’ve done seems to be a match for how much she enjoys having total power and control over him.

Help me create a plan of attack.


There might be ways to deal with them in terms of psychic attack, but sadly… the best way to deal someone with narcisistic traits is to not play their game at all. Not giving in to their tactic of creating drama and no reacting to their tendency to put you down in order to make themselves seem better when you know your own worth. Perhaps point out the tactics that you see through to others (preferably when the narcisist is not present) in the hope that they also learn to recognize their games.
They tend to feed on the anger and the drama they create and in most cases it’s very hard to beat them at their own game.

Easier said than done, I know.

If you really want to try and launch an attack. Go for the things they identify heavily with. Usualy something related to their social status. If they fall from grace in the public eye, it hurts them bad. Beware of them when that happens though.


attack her social status. Earl Raum is your best friend in regards to this.


Narcs tend to be very hard to curse. Given her personality I’m unsure of what you expected to happen when you gave the narc more romantic partners and a better job.

Perhaps your focus should be on him rather than her. Boost his confidence and get him to break up with her. Try a sour jar to sour their relationship.

Ultimately the man in the relationship needs to grow some balls but this is difficult particularly because the relationship you are describing sounds similar to domestic abuse. You may want to encourage him / push him to seek domestic abuse charities / organisations in the mundane.

Edit: I linked this in another thread , perhaps it will help.


I tried a little of everything. At first I tried to sour things between them. I did jars and freezer spells. I tried to start discord and arguments. It had some effect but it was not enough. He basically folds at the drop of any conflict and gives her what she wants every time.

I tried having their friends discover her real personality and to cause our friends to leave them. Her response is to behave like everyone else is insecure because she is so much better than we are, and so we are all just being mean and unfair to her. That she’s a victim. So, my work achieved results worked and got our friends to see the truth, but in exchange she just isolated him away even more.

Then, due to mixed results with everything else, I thought I would try giving her everything that she could want. With the purpose of having a new job opportunity take her out of town. With the new lovers giving her an opportunity to monkey branch away to other (far more attractive and successful) people. The goal was basically, kill her with kindess, and make her leave our group of people alone.

He is being abused but she has him convinced that everyone else’s concern is jealousy. That she alone can make him successful and popular in the community and that his “fake friends” just can’t handle how great they are. It is absolutely ridiculous, but he believes it. All any of us are trying to do is get him to wake up and see what she is doing.

As an ex, I am at the top of the list of people he is not allowed to talk to or do things with. I have a network of close friends that monitor this situation for me and tell me what goes on. One friend is basically working as a double agent, pretending to be their best friend, so that we can monitor the abuse. He’s a grown man though, so there’s not much help we can give him. He has to want the help.

I have been working with Vassago, with whom I have a pact, for months. When consulting him through divination, he now indicates that he cannot break them up. He frequently answers that line of questioning with the 5 of Wands. I believe thaf he means that there is too much chaos and conflict to get the results that I am trying to achieve. But, I suppose he could also be indicating to keep pushing and fighting for results?

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Sorry if my previous comments were invasive, I was trying for relatability because I understand a bit and have knowledge in certain areas. Try Belial. I am very good with problem solving and situations so that is why I offered my PMs. But you want no authority and I would combine this with Paimon to make your words more potent when you speak out. There are angels to do so as well, I like them because they can easily erase fear and aid with situations better than demons in my personal experience. I would destroy blockages as well.

Remember, entities are a double edged sword. For example, Marbas can heal or kill with disease. You may need to branch out if one says it may not be likely with their aid. I offer my support as I have sympathy for your situation :black_heart:

You’re fine. I just prefer not to do PMs.

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5 of wands typically represents conflicts in a variety of different contexts so it could just indicate the present conflict

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I touched on this a little in my journal entry yesterday, but on Sunday night I evoked Vassago, Andromalius, Glasya-Labolas, Andras, Furfur, and King Paimon and requested their help in ending this relationship. It seemed to be well received.

When I asked them to take this anger and rage out of me and use it against her, there was an immediate effect. I don’t know which entity did it. One of them reached in and pulled the rage right out of my chest. And it HURT like hell. Like I said, there is far more detail in my journal. Immediately after it happened, in my head I heard the verse from the bible that says, “First take the plank from your own eye, and you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”

I did a divination reading after that and received favorable responses from each entity except for Vassago and Andras. Vassago was a maybe, but I believe he has done all that he can or is willing to do. Andras was probably not inferested because I do NOT want them to suffer a hideous, violent death.

I have felt so refreshed and recharged ever since that moment. Maybe this was what I needed to find my second wind.


I believe I did see some results last night. It is very hard to know what goes on behind a narcissist’s mask, but there are always signs when they are in a crowd and think nobody is watching.

We all ended up at the same event last night. She got there much later than he did. As I mentioned before, my ex and I are no longer on speaking terms. But he still wants us to be. But he can only speak to me when she isn’t around. I do not allow exes to talk to me behind their girlfriend’s backs and I think its immature.

First, he came over to the table I was sitting at with my date. This is the second time I’ve seen him whe being out with my new man. Every time, he makes an excuse to come to our table. This time, he greeted a guy friend of ours, and then looked at me and my date, and walked off. My guy friend made an amused face, we both nodded to each other knowingly, and told me, “We’ve been here half an hour. He’s already talked to me twice before he came to say hello.”

A little while later, I had walked over to the other side of the room to chat with two other friends. He came out of the restroom and beelined right over to us, like he was trying to jump into our conversation. My friends know about our issues, so once he approached I stopped speaking, said, “Excuse me,” and I walked away from him and went back to my date.

Once she got there, his mood changed and he became quiet and somber. Whenever they weren’t laughing and boasting about how “great” and “perfect” things were, they both looked tense and miserable. When people were around they would switch on, and perform, and then immediately kind of slouch and mope when they were alone. They spoke to each other in single words the whole night.

It wasn’t until this morning that I got filled in. The whole day, leading up to this, there had been issues with the two of them. To the point where there was a huge blow up with them, our friends who were holding the event, and some friends who were helping set up. A big argument ensued and the narcissist was asked to leave. She was told to either not come back until she calmed down or to not come back at all that night. So, she basically told my ex to “come,” like a dog, and he said he wasn’t leaving because they had agreed to help their friends. She eventually stormed off alone.

Hello QueenofPeace,

I advice you to change yourself at first. Forget her. Just focuse on him. Day after day, look what are good between you and him and consolidate that with your magick. And look what are bad with her or good between her and him and use magick to arrange that in the way you choose. But the best is to change yourself only. You change the manner you are seen by the other which provoque what you live everyday.
I suggest you Lucifuge and Satan himself. Satan is the chief of demon and after you are the chief, you can be a demonologist and say to the demon : go out of my life. You can inspire you with the video game Persona 4. Each level is full of demon and the boss is a demon of one of the mains character and this demon, a part of the true characters is a bad side of them. So you can imagine you have a demon who acte to destroy your relation and you say to him : go out. And he fly from you because you are Satan, his chief.

Budding Demonologist!

The issue with this idea you have is that I don’t want him back. So I don’t want him coming after me. However, I am an empathetic person and I don’t want him harmed by her even though we were not good for each other.

Things have gotten weird and I have further removed myself from their circle as much as possible. The energy around them just feels bad.
And several other friends have said the same or similar. It is so strange, the hold she has on him. Neither one looks happy but they keep pushing this “most successful couple ever” narrative that none of us believe. They both over embellish and project A LOT. Every small thing, bad or good, gets spun into a raving success. But, when they think there is no one looking, they both look sad and unhappy.

I think a thing you could try if curses aren’t working on her, is to protect him. Or I think you mention he has a kid, place a protection on the kid. Let the narcissist destroy themselves against the defenses. It would also give you something else to focus on while the baneful work is given time to fully manifest.

Hello Queenofpeace,

Clearly, can you identify what’s going on? If you are sensitive, you can ask your intuition about this woman : Which demon are you ? Which Goddess are you? And your intuition say you the answers. The fight is very different between a Saint or Astarté who reverse every magick. You are probably with a person who can perform some magick and who has maybe a strategy to do that and conquer your friend. I purpose to you to identify what she use to worry you first. Can you identify her spirit creature : God, goddess, spirit, déva, yokai, angel, demons ? And more precisely what kind of magic she use? Love magick, chaos magick, black magick?

Can I advise you some protection magick first for yourself first. And after, when you are protected, return to your friend and protect them with your magick. If yourself are not strong in magic, you lost because you protect right, she fight left and you protect left, she fight right.


I agree with what some said above- focus on break up and loss of status. I am mostly concerned about the child involved here- the fastest your ex and friend ges rid of her, the better, since stepchildren tend to be the first victims of people like this.

While Vassago is amazingly powerful and responsive, breakups are not his strong suit. You can, however, ask him to undercover dirt on her, to find any helpful information that you might be overlooking.

Andromalius never fails to punish an evildoer, but in my experience, he takes his sweet time.

I prefer to employ his powers combined with Agares and Haures/Flauros to uncover, bring down, and humiliate an enemy, especially if they are influent. I had staggering results with this combination of spirits. I´ve seen them bring an international corporation to their knees. You can add Zagan and ask him to reverse her situation- I was flabbergasted by the way Zagan was able to uncover dirt on someone, taking them from literal high society to being deemed a scammer and a con artist publicly.

For breakup, if you are comfortable with quimbanda and macumba, I´drecommend Exu Pimenta. He is fool proof.

You get a half black half red candle (black on the top half, red on the bottom- I use highly pigmented eyeshadow and/or lipstick on a white candle to make mine), put their names under the candle on a piece of paper, and surround it with black pepper and chilli. Light the candle and offer it to Exu Pimenta. This needs to be done outside your house.

Hope this help, god luck

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Thanks to all for the additional advice. I have decided to take a pause on doing any other work on them for the time being.

My ex is a weak, easily manipuated man. The reason we ended and will never work out is because he is incapable of setting, keeping or respecting boundaries. He can’t make up his own mind and is more than happy to let others make it up for him.

I believe that the work that I have done has had an effect on him, but not necessarily in a good way. I have been told that he has recently been going behind this girlfriend’s back and seeing his estranged wife again. A woman who is dangerous and even more toxic.

And if the work I have done is pushing him from one toxic relationship back to an even worse one… then I don’t want to continue. All the help in the world will not help if he’s not capable of making the right choices. He is a lost soul.