Visualization is something that I’m strong in, but meditation gets me stunlocked with wandering thoughts. I have a tendency to lean towards the chaos more than hard focus. Common issue that I’ve seen people discuss, especially when it comes alongside an ADHD (albeit medicated) diagnosis. There’s something special about that chaos, something that wants me there more than centering into the specific. Something with intuition and a dangerous mix of impulse that wants me to spin that wheel and pluck from the ether instead. I’m sure that’ll make sense to some of you, and it’s definitely not intended to be cryptic.
Getting to the point: Members here that have ADHD, do you find ways to incorporate that chaos into your divination practices, or try to stay the generally recommended course of using focus after that initial ask? When deciphering an image flashed in the mind, what have members that have ADHD here found helps them to tap into the feed to get a more complete message?
Context: was focusing on practice of defense magic with eyes closed. Hear thunk from podcast in background, pop of adrenaline, image of book page with a letter, elaborate chaotic scrawlings that attempt to make a picture, and a chair incorporated to the side. Attempted analytics led to an immediate sensation of intense nausea and stomach cramping for the better part of an hour. Curious as a side point to thoughts that others could have regarding that.
It’s just practice. There’s nothing about your brain that inherently gets in your way that you cannot train yourself out of.
Everybody has this, it’s not specific to ADHD and it’s not unusual. It’s the result of a dopamine-fixated culture that has literally trained people from a young age to operate on small iota of fast-flowing info.
Instead of growing up reading books children now scroll Instagram and tiktok - apps that are specifically designed to get you dopamine addicted and keep you distracted. And they work very fast and very well.
So you have to start fixing your brain chemistry, as well as practicing the skill of meditation: Work on your dopamine habits and retrain them to be able to concentrate for longer periods.
Take a “dopamine fast” for 1 weeks to start, and ideally get permanently get OFF TV, tiktok, IG and other dopamine wrecking apps. Get your news in aggregate form not sensational drama time sinks.
All of this helps develop a nation of spiritless people unable to hear intuition or follow up with shamanic journeying, meditation or mindfulness practices, even energy working. But the ability to fix it is 100% in your own hands.
Ah, well. For inquiring minds that would like to know an attempt to get somewhere with dreaming was made. Notable points being entering into a very dimly lit, monochromatic 20ft hallway filled with water up to the ankles that could be fully swam in. Floating down it, under an entity gliding above it in all black with intricately designes clothes that lost detail in darkness. Nothing was uncovered, face covered in smooth black cloth with a head covering of what looked like a fedora. There wasn’t any feeling of malevolence from him, but I didn’t want to be obnoxious by passing below his feet in the water. He passed by twice, coming from the same direction. Chewing gum by default. Get to the end of hallway, spouse enters working on a project, we kiss, I pull a piece of about 1/4 of a tongue attached by a thin piece of flesh from my mouth. We both look at it frantically and immediately make sure we’re not missing parts. Made note of things to remember, woke up.
The element of water can “initially” be thought of to resemble chaos. This is how most people think. But what they do not realize, is that there is an Underlying “Hidden Order,” beneath the waves. Water is a Mirror as well as a Portal that you use Scrye the Past and Future, and all the Physical Structures you see within it below the surface, “might” one day potentially become real above the surface.
Yeah I get your Fascination with Chaos. But to the unitiated this is very dangerous, because they are Subject to the destruction of the Full Force of Daath (Snowflake Rune) of the Many Worlds, with the exception of those who have Mastered the Art of Mirror Magick.
Thank you for the response. While I definitely agree with you on the grounds that those media platforms can create problems, I’m not on any of them. I’ve got trad ADHD, where it’s poor impulse control and hyperactivity with a kiss of shitty attention and wonky cognition. Tiktok, IG and other things of that nature don’t really strike my chords. It’s endless half-assed projects, hyperfocus on clinical research for various herbs and microorganisms, getting lost in figuring out how things work. I very recently went through a period where I stayed somewhere alone for 3 months with a lot of silence, and enough self reflection to just start gaslighting myself on every aspect of “me”. I only justgot back to a point to where I was willing to resume being myself, so I don’t know if there’s something else that could be recommended with that context in mind.
Dreams are usually super interesting to decode, and also highly personal and complex. We have some posts about working with dreams and our favorite tutorials are here:
So if this were my dream, I’d start looking at each piece in turn, and ask first all is this a memory, a question, something I’m working on or thinking about or coming in the future? Most dreams are your own inner self thinking aspects of your life through. The hardest part is how mixed up all these elements are, and on top of that, any messages in them are coded as your subconscious saying “well, it’s LIKE this” because your own mind doesn’t have direct experience of what the thing is. This is why nothing you see is real, and can’t be taken literally, but usually represents something real.
Once you have a rough idea of what was incidental and what you want to focus on, which may be intuitive, then you can hone in. I get into the techniques in the linked posts re shamanically journeying back into the same dream to go ask the thing who or what it is.
A tactic to help with this is getting massive amounts of learning under your belt. Swallow encyclopedias, watch documentaries and get as much and as varied info as possible in your mind so that your subconscious has a wider array of “look alikes” to choose from. The more you know, the more you can get impressions that are closer to the represented thing.
I couldn’t see beneath the surface of it, like it absorbed all light aside from only the very surface where nothing was decipherable. I’ve had the creation of a black scrying mirror on the forefront of my to-do list for a few weeks now. Your comment in mind, I’m beginning to believe that’s where I’ll carefully trod next. Any particular resources on mirror scrying or mirror magick that you would like to recommend?
99% of my education was directly from the Spirits, so I cannot really point out any books.
But I can give you advice to your problem with the “Black Depths.” You have to understand that there are other people in this world who practice magick other than you. What this means is you “throw out energy,” and someone else is being affected by it… That means the Blackness is inhabited by other living Sentient Beings. Treat the Black Depths as a living entity.
A Mirror is a portal to an Alternative Reality. If for any reason your idealogy is not liked or favored… “IT” may just swallow it up.
If you cannot see “Light in the Darkness,” It is because you cannot actually see The Vision. It is a mirror reflection of your own ignorance/ability to see.
Do not be discouraged by this. At the end of the day in practicing magick or using mundane processes, we all have to make some form of compromises here and there. Some people we can influence or overpower, but then again, some we cannot.
What you call deriving something from Chaos, certain select magicians refer to as “Luck.” Research on exactly what Luck actually means and come to your own conclusions.
In manifestation scenarios… LUCK can be thought of as “seed cores,” or New Beginnings.
The Darkness in your vision is an actual Domain in the Astral, governed by more than one person. Basically a Matrix. Think of it potentially as intruding upon someone elses Land/Real Estate.
How do you begin to “See?” You have to ingratiate yourself to the Entities World. This can be seen as a form of Citizenship, the more you validate your existence into their existence.
If it’s a mirror to this world, because of the lighting and atmosphere of the hallway, the fact that the entity glided above the surface instead of interacting with it at all, and that my spouse was at the end of it operating as though it didn’t exist, could that indicate my own mundane-oriented dreamspace being forward and beneath the surface? My thoughts immediately go to “pocket dimension”, where I nearly fully immersed in my own world from the shoulders down, but couldn’t see it reflected below and could see it forward but with a… film or veil over it while in the water. Come to think of it, I believe the lighting returned to normal where my spouse and we walked along the floorboards there after I assume that I climbed out or the water… left? I never looked behind me after getting there. The two things that are screeching at me in the details are that bit of tongue that belonged to neither of us, and that entity. A part of me is wanting to see that water as the vehicle for the message to build the scrying mirror. The other two big details maybe need that device as a conduit first.
My idea of chaos is that it is just the endless unbound. Everything and nothing, formless potential and simultaneously an unraveling. Hard to fully describe, so I apologize. I’m generally very analytical, and also a little dangerous when it comes to curiosity. The feeling of that chaos, it’s almost too natural. An enticement of throwing everything together in a pot, burning it, freezing it, distilling it, just watching to see the results without any real expectation. Does it heal, does it harm? I don’t know, but I need to. I think that I get sucked in because I want to see what that chaos becomes, see it’s potential play out and find joy in the experience.
I apologize heavily for what ended up being quite a bit of blogposting. Thank you for the replies and suggestions within.
Most if not all peoples conception of Chaos can be brought down to a few elements: Their mind cannot organize and make sense of the details to see the Broader Pattern.
I doubt there is ever a “Nothing,” because the idea of Nothing is also a thing. You could for example call it “Negative Space.” FYI, that doesn’t necessarily mean negative space is negative energy (to some DoDo’s out there). There are for example hidden particles in this negative space you cannot perceive, like you cannot see air. So the idea of Nothing is just your lack of awareness or an inability to percieve with your senses.
This would make sense, because you said yourself that there is a boundry veil. Likewise, you did indicate darkness… which is your inability to see. The veil indicates the seperation of consciousness… which can initially mean you exist in a different mode which doesn’t allow you to see. I would surmise that you basically came close enough to an entity, but were within the “outer edges” of its Auric Space… hence… the boundry, and the auric space beyond the boundry is probably different.
Probably a pool of Water. Seen in a different lense… you never actually truly Climb out of Water. Yours and Most of Humanity’s body is made up of mostly water. Then the air around them that they breathe always contains a certain amount of Water molecules. You are basically always submerged in the Spiritual Ocean. You never truly climbed in or out. You however may have accessed an Astral Domain much denser in Water Energy though.
Water is of course symbolic in occult terms and not always meant to be ONLY taken literally.
Plus a technique to silencing your mind in Robert Bruce book,the book name is astral Dynamics.
Astaroth and other gods and goddesses approved these 3 technique for me.
Try one point meditations because they are easier to do . I believe i have undiagnosed adhd cause i had a lot of trouble with doing nothing and let go type meditations no matter how long the session it just wouldn’t work until i started with gazing meditations.
This is why you will see in lots of chaos magick books this type of gazing meditation as first step. It works smoothly. Any type of object, set timer, gaze and then gaze a little more with time you willl master it and from there you can do all sorts of things with better understanding.