Death curse. Know my power!

This is such an important message to reiterate. True power moves in silence.


Ever heard of the witch’s pyramid? Apparently not. Your ego will be your downfall.


One thing is certain. Your goal will only manifest fully if your intent is clear. Wash out your intentions, and you wash out your results.

The dead don’t fear. If them fearing you is a requirement, then you’ve hobbled your death curse beyond function. And it sounds to me like this is your actual aim- the power-trip of people being afraid of you. You’ve got to make up your mind.

If you want them to fear you, then make THAT happen. They’re not going to die, you’re just getting an ego-boost.

If you want them dead, then get over yourself and that need for validation through the fear of others, and make it so.

Anything in between is neither.


Can you give us some ritual?

I search on death spell make specific someone dead by specific method ( His people hit him till death )

If your victims knows they have been cursed the first they will do is to go to the local witch doctor and get it removed. It’s better to convince them that magick don’t exists. That’s why witches and mages have most power in societies where magick is seen as superstition and why it worries me that some people in the occult are trying to prove magick…

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