Dealing with a potentially violent neighbor need a quick fix

So back where I live there is a prick who is causing my family troubles. I have a sense of foreboding that there may be violence involved at some point in the future. How do I deal with that spititually? I’ve read that there may be some serious side-effects to curses, but is there any other way? I am not very adept at magick and the only thing that has ever worked for me are petition spells, can I petition an angel for protection and retribution?

Thank you for any suggestions you may have.


Protective spirits. (You might ask for temporary “familiars”, or watch guard spirits from an entity).

That’s for the defensive side, Id try Malphas for a start.

On the more agressive side, youll want to look at martial or offensive type spirits for the attack.


Any spirit that deals with protection

I’ve called Shango and Samael on noisy neighbors and they gave amazing results

With your neighbor you could work with Samael or a Martian God for defense and I recommend Hera for dealing with him

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You could try to get him to move away as well. You could try “Force Exile” from…Angels of Wrath I think? I’m away from my books atm.

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Alternatively Corwin Hargrove lists Sitri as an useful entity in “Goetia Pathworking”.


Archangel Michael, from personal experience and many testimonials. Ben Woodcroft’s “Angelic Protection Magic” has a sigil technique for linking him to you, among other workings would help you. I have used them successfuly and recommend them.

Layering personal/domestic protection, binding them, and then exiling them seems like a good approach.

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I used that exact book- called on Sitri for a neighbor situation and they moved out after a couple months.
They used to throw huge parties every day of the week until at least 4-5am. Our apartment building was like a frat house for a while and they were always rude and aggressive whenever we politely asked them to turn it down a notch. It escalated to the point we had to call the cops but that didn’t help at all.
After I called Sitri for help with this, the parties gradually reduced to nothing while they started infighting and soon enough they were gone.
If necessary, also have the local police precinct phone number on hand just in case- faster response than going through the operator/auto phone menu


I second the recommendation of Michael for help/protection. He’s big on justice so as long as you aren’t provoking said neighbor he should be happy to help. Would probably help you emerge victorious (physically or legally) in the event that an altercation should occur as well

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In addition to the above suggestions, I would advise getting a weapon (if that’s legal where you live). If he tries anything, call the police and defend yourself.

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Wow. Thank you so much. Even though I haven’t asked about exiling that was precisely the thing I had in mind when asking this question. I have managed to obtain the Angels of Wrath, have you personally tried working any of the spells contained in the book?

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I tried Force Exile a few years ago; it was not successful. I think it would be worth your while to try though; it is a simple ritual, and results with different books vary from person to person.

I have had more luck with Sitri via Goetia Pathworking; a few days ago I actually started trying to remove someone to help a friend. Sitri to get them to move, and Haagenti to get them to want to move. I have been told that they have already started looking for new places to live. This person is not violent or a threat though; just an inconvenience.

If things get out of hand before you are able to get them to leave (it can take time), and you want to go on the offense, I recommend Earl Raum. They are the baneful entity I have had the fastest and strongest results with. This is also something that varies from person to person, but because of my results, I recommend them.

Glasya Labolas would be my second choice- but with me at least, if I do not have full conviction in my request, they will not only not follow through with it, they will instead manifest in my room as a monster during sleep paralysis and scare the shit out of me (without attacking). Demonic humor, lol. So I would recommend being very clear and very sure about what you want, based on how my interactions with GL have gone.

Looking through the Goetia Pathworking book again, Belial is listed for getting rid of unwanted things and persons.


@Mythopoeia and all the rest. Thank you for all of your suggestions and advices. This forum really surprises me. There are so many users here who actually want to help you with things. To be fair I have tried few other online groups related to magick and wouldn’t have ever suspected that a forum devoted mainly to the Left-hand path would be teeming with so many supportive individuals. Getting all these replies made me feel better by itself apart from receiving some useful guidance.


Maybe Belial likes you , you can give him a try. :smiley::smiley:

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