Deal with it or leave

Has anyone had high confidence in themselves and just quit a job they hated and was toxic? Asking for a friend

My friend has been applying for jobs like crazy for a long time and nothing yet and its been to the point where a new job will be best suited due to her current employer being toxic and misunderstanding her. What would you do? Any spells or spirit that can help with getting a job fast or any financial gain so that she can provide for her family while looking for a new job?

Yes, I’ve quitted a very unhealthy job and would have quitted it regardless of my backup plan (which was another job I’ve applied for and didn’t quite thought as something that would turn out in my favour. It did, though.). I was totally ready to kick that job into the trashcan without having a backup because I was financially stable enough to make it through a dry patch without going to work. So I had no immediate need for survival or making ends meet, which probably helped me to relax into the mindset that everything will be okay in some way. I suppose that this helps in the “lusting for results” department, as I had no spiralling negative thoughts about being unemployed for a bit :grinning:

What initially helped me into that other job was a) already existing contacts and b) a sweetener spell towards the hiring teamlead. I wasn’t exactly what they looked for in the beginning and to be fair: I had to get rid of them eventually because they’ve been an ill fit for handling employers :sweat_smile: So your friend should be prepared to meet other problems of they happen to land a new job. :+1:t2:

This is what I did in preparation for the hiring process:


I used a purple candle (purple = wielding power over something) and annointed it with olive oil and two essential oils: Orange (for the target taking a positive stance towards my ideas and for manifesting the wealth aspect in the same run) and Bergamot to increase the overall success rate. I wrote the name of the hiring company on a piece of paper while visualizing how I would already take my position.

Then I would roll the candle in a mixture of sugar, cinnamon and crushed fenugreek seeds (the sugar and cinnamon stuff had been added for the “sweeten them up” aspect, the fenugreek seeds again for the wealth factor).
After that I would place my candle on top of the piece of paper and light it; I would have the candle burning down to the bottom (I used a short pillar candle, it burned down in a matter of 9 ish hours). I probably should not mention it but: Careful with the last few minutes of that approach, you don’t want the paper to catch fire :smiley: In my case the candle burned down into a little puddle of wax on top of the paper.

I believe that any kind of sweetening approach can be a great door opener for your friend, look up “sweetening jars” here :slight_smile: Combine it with already existing contacts to other employers.

If your friend lacks resilience in difficult environments (people ARE assholes, work is work, some work is less rewarding than other work, etc. It seems to be a problem these days with some people that are new to the working world…) I would also add something that strengthens their mindset and their passion for not starving and having a roof over their head. Because it is possible that your friend might encounter similar problems with their new employer, if that happens often its a “them problem” that needs to be tackled first

If your friends problem exists exclusively with one person at work I would suggest a baneful approach that either freezes/stops the person from what they are doing with your friend (look up “Vovins Freezer Spell”) or moves them away from your friends environment.

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I’m sorry but this is a magick discussion forum… This appears to be off topic as there is nothing about magick in the OP.

I’m leaving it up for a few hours to see if anyone can input something to bring it on topic otherwise this will have to be removed.


For myself, absolutely not. Always monkey branch (get a grip on the next job before letting go of the first).

I can deal with difficult people, I can’t deal with not having enough money to eat or pay rent… however awful these people are, I would guess they’re not as bad as the trouble you get from not having enough money.

This. Also attraction spells. Ant’harratu, or baneful magick to get the unwanted people moving on.


Thank you fir your response, it started to turn toxic after returning from maternity leave her new manager has said he understands and she is given lactaction breaks to feed her baby. She works from home and a single parent but he always makes remarks and can be rude at times when it comes to her feeding. The company gives breastfeeding mothers breaks off the phones to feed or pump baby. I will give those a try for her and keep a positive outlook. Thank you

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Let me add some information that relates to magic, forgot to do so

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In this case I would not switch jobs, because its simply not necessary. If the manager is a pain in the ass I would approach a working that either removes the manager (maybe into a different branch) or makes the manager change their mind about the whole thing, maybe Dantalion can influence the manager into a more understanding and less annoying mindset.

This is really nothing I would give up any kind of security for (especially not as a new mom that has to take care of a kid and that probably won’t be hired right into the next company because, well, she is a new mom), so make the manager change their behaviour or remove them from your friends field of responsibility.

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She does have a good job, its just the manager that needs a relaity check for sure. I will for sure be doing that. Maybe she coukd be moved to a different department that allows her to not be on the phone. I know the universe works in mysterious ways for sure.

I personally don’t see the point of this post, from a magickal pov. But that’s just me.

If its only the manager issue, then as others already said: make a spell on manager to change his behavior. Maybe Dantalion, or some planetary archangels like Raphael (Mercury- rules over thought and mind and comunication), Gabriel (Moon - rules over emotions) or Sachiel (Jupiter - rules over career)

I personaly never got problem with changing jobs.

Thank you, I didnt even think about angels when it comes to this. I know this will help out quite a bit to change his attitude and behavior to her for sure. She is a hard worker and does her job well, i just think he has something against her but this will change for the better.

Does it though? :thinking: Or is this you being tongue in cheek about to do something about it?

No disrespect but isn’t this the ultimate cop out for non magickians to roll over and accept that they don’t understand and won’t try. It’s right up there with “you must be homeless because of karma so I assume you were bad in a past life and you deserve it, now I don’t feel bad” bullshit.

Humans love reasons and sometime this is the only rationalization they have. But I think as mages we have access to tools to know better, if we choose to do the work it takes to learn and use them.

In this case, take the mystery out of it and run a working to fix the situation. It doesn’t have to be specific even, just call someone like Belial, Ant’harratu, Lucifer, or use sympathetic magick, and intend for “x to have the stress removed from their job without loss of status or income”.

Or accept that it’s your friends life and it’s up to her to fix it. It may be a working will fall flat here because she’s working on something with this and she won’t give permission for it to happen too easily.

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