Dark and Light element inhaling

Unleash I misunderstood the information I got.

Darkness and Light are there own elements
Fran’s Brandon’s initiation into hermetics and Ashera Goddess YouTube channel inspired me to think of, what if instead of starting on one of the four basic elements, I practice on either light or darkness

Of course that is if they are there own elements, just need to make sure

Personally this doesn’t fit my understanding. Darkness is the absence of light, that’s all.

So a shadow is the part behind an object where the object has stopped the light, which travels in straight lines and can’t go around it.

Neither are “elements”, elements are what you get when you combine light (aka energy) in different ways to get different kinds of activity in the physical. So elements are in western thought, earth air fire and water and maybe ether, and in eastern are earth water fire metal and wood. These are all forms or qualities of energy (light) at their heart.

After that, light and dark are also human judgements of the effects of energy. You can have too much light and that’s bad and “dark” (e.g. a bomb going off, pretty bad [usually] but very full of energy).
Too much of anything is usually negative or “dark” for humans, you want both in balance.

That’s, is actually helpful advice

I just need to do more research to figure out what I need to do then