Cursing an asshole and then what afterwards?

These are the paradoxes to be reconciled.

All is One, yet at the same time All is Separated.

It inevitably comes down to this, for me. I feel all life is sacred. This includes those individuals who wrong me. When somebody wrongs me, I place myself into their shoes to feel why they acted. I have found that all men and women act from passion. That most people, when they do ‘wrong’, they do so because they believe they are doing the right thing.

If and when a situation arises wherein the ONLY option is to eliminate somebody… Because if I do not eliminate him, he will go on to destroy other’s lives. In this circumstance I usually remove the person’s ability to influence others, so that they suffer lonely, no longer able to bring others down with them. But if it should happen that anyone has the ability to contend with the spirits I send to them… Then I will be forced to destroy them. And I will do so gladly, knowing I am doing what is best for the greatest number of people.

That’s exactly why I almost always act in a way that brings about the best for all parties. Including the intended victim/the asshole.

The last undesirable person I dealt with, this is what I did. She would look down on me, passively insult me, etc. She was a lady working at a place that I frequent. I banished her, and created a situation wherein she would find a more desirable job elsewhere.

I created a harmonious situation wherein I would no longer be bothered by her, she would no longer be bothered by me… And both of us are happier in the end! Does this not sound like the best possible outcome?

Maybe you actually ruined her life, she was forced onto welfare, prostitution and a life of crime?

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I am not a pacifist, nor am I advocating passivism!

Yes, the spirits are amoral, that’s exactly the point I was making. They will side with either the magician, or his target… Depending which calls upon the spirit.

I’m not saying they are innocent quire boys… I’m saying exactly what you are, that the spirits would destroy you just as willingly as they would anyone else if a magician calls upon them.

So to them, they see life taking life. They don’t see a person who is right defeating another who is wrong. They see an equal opportunity. Do you better understand what I am saying?[quote=“Zenifon, post:40, topic:11450”]
one IS the creator and the destroyer Itself/Ourselves…cop, judge, jury and executioner all in one if need be.

In the situation, I become God. I think as God does. “How will my actions, here and now, affect myself and others down the line?”

That’s definitely not the case… I know because I’ve seen her since, a couple times… She is far happier now than she was before. She didn’t like her job, and was taking her anger out on me and other people. I sensed this, and created a more desirable circumstance for her…

I am confident enough and experienced enough to actually create a happy circumstance for somebody when I intend to do so XD

I reached out to her, I felt her aura. I realized she was being rude to me because she was not happy. I empathized with that and created a happier circumstance, which benefited everybody

That is really to me a far better solution than offing her

But yo, please don’t think I’m talking down to all of you… Your life is your life, you can live it as you please. I won’t talk down to anyone for doing things differently than me

I agree with some aspect of what you’re saying in that yes, it is possible to self-analyse and quell one’s malice to some wrong doer i.e. if we realize that he is responding to our bad vibes of disapproval which we can adjust…

I don’t feel like you’re “talking down to us” I am just curious what you’re doing on a LHP forum if you hold such RHP karma-samsara opinions.

Just to let you know where you actually are;

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In a sense that extends past the infinity of the universe, yes, cursing something ends up meaning cursing yourself. However, that does not mean it is cursing yourself _here and now- _ it doesn’t mean you’re bound to be harmed by this principle.

Karma is real, yes, and like does indeed attract like, but this “reflective” property generally won’t affect a random hexer. All you have to do is find a way to process the karmic energy.

I agree about your statement regarding hatred and life, though.

Is it possible to remove and deal with problems without hurting a hair on a fly’s head? Yes. Completely. A “pacifist” approach to hostile situations does work when it comes to magic (though obviously nothing ever works all of the time).

It’s just more work, which make people like me (who are more practical than ethical) shelf it is an option.


They dont have to believe it, curses just generally have that effect on people.


Another strategy:

Does he have other people that hate him? Find allies to unite and work against him.

“The enemy of my enemy is my friend”. After all.

In military terms, if you have an imposing OPFOR, you form a coalition to oppose it. Worked in WWII, Iraq and the US Revolutionary War.

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Only one other guy hates him and get this, someone said that this other guy is a spellcasting Satanist, but he must be incompetent as he’s hated my “enemy” for years.

Did you ever consider that the bad vibes we get from others are a reflection of the bad thoughts and prejudices we are projecting out? I actually improved my relationship with this guy when I went through some painful self analysis. It puts me in a better place as its cleared up my judgement and you need a good sense of justice and judgement if you’re gonna magically fuck someone up. In short, I’m gonna see how this plays out.

If you’re not completely sure, it’s definitely best to postpone this idea and see how things play out first,

Yeah I am, got some valuable feedback here though.

Don’t do it then.

I thank the spirits for helping me avenge a person who wronged me.

I actually didn’t think it would work!

He was on his way back down south with all his belongings in an RV and the RV caught on fire and he lost everything he owned. And he has little children too.

I would’ve done other wise but he never apologized or admitted he was wrong

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