Cursing an asshole and then what afterwards?

I say you operate under the assumption that people don’t change.
When I’m performing magic, whether it be a curse, blessing or manipulative ritual, I cast until I see a complete manifestation.
In the case of a curse, complete manifestation would depend on the intent. If you want someone to be socially rejected then manifestation would be them being hated by everyone they know. A killing curse would, as you’d expect, end in them dying.


That’s a good option, just make this guy resigned, he’s already said he’d love to leave.

By the way i am talking Goetic evocation and not just sigil launching. Is everyone here in this thread talking Goetia also?

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You summon a Demon to make them get out of your life?

Everyone in this thread is talking strategy. Evocation, sigils, candles, poppets … those are tools and using one of them is a tactic.

The strategy is the approach you use. The tactics are the set of tools and techniques you use.

I’ts up to you to determine the best way to turn the strategy into the tactics you like to use, Zen.


I use whatever tool is necessary to create harmonious circumstances

At the end of the day, the only concerns that matter are:

  • are you strong enough to pierce their defenses?
  • do you want to crush them?

@Zenifon you ask about the “possibility that this bully could actually warm to you down the line”. This is a matter of personal preference. In my experience, people never change unless they are forced to, and if this person is in the way their feelings are of no concern. Personally, upon realization that they were obstructing my path or that I needed to trash them, I would not hesitate laying in a curse that rendered them incapable of opposing me- whether this means crippling them, making them lose their home, loved ones, or life, I ensure the things that try to stop me, are incapable of ever coming close again.

If you need to stop your target from being able to work, analyze what he values- determine if his family, wallet, mistress, or something else motivates him, grounds him, keeps him sane, etc. You can do this via some old-fashioned snooping, or divination.

Target that weakness, and lean on it till your opponent collapses. This is simple strategy.

To find a spirit specific to the target’s weakness, find or create an entity that specializes in that aspect of existence- whether it be income, health, or attachments.


9/10 times on a successful curse the person in question WILL warm up to you as a form of defense, the part before that is like the battle and afterwards its more like leading a prisoner to the gallows.

Why take the risk of letting him warm up naturally when you can enforce it? Just make the curse go dormant afterwards if you’d like (not removed, just dormant).


You say that as if this person would actually figure out who did this to him. Hell, does he even believe in curses at all?

Forget not this… Every time you lay a curse upon another… You are in fact cursing yourself in another life.

One in which you are an asshole, perhaps? :wink:


This sounds like RHP moral karma restriction.


I personally have an aversion towards curses of any kind. In my experience of ‘enlightenment’, I had the following insight, which has profoundly affected me.

I realized a couple key things.

Any curse anyone does is ultimately a curse upon themselves.

The reasons for this are the inherent unity of the universe. The interconnectedness of all things.

When we curse another, we send to them negatively charged entities. When this energy has completed its tasks… It has only one place left to go. That’s back to the magician who originally sent the energy out. The energy must ultimately return to the magician, to re-integrate with him. This is how one karmatically fucks themselves by casting curses.

When that energy returns, it has a dark flavour to it. It will also have picked up any emotions charged upon it by the intended victim(s) and any collateral damage.

Often when you curse one victim, you are cursing multiple victims.[quote=“Zenifon, post:2, topic:11450”]
o i want to kill my sister’s ex husband who brought a great financial misery upon my family

If you curse that individual, you are cursing his entire family.

When the intended target’s life falls apart… It affects all those around him.

You don’t have to love an enemy, you don’t have to hate him. I have the wisdom to know this…

When have I ever done something so awful that I am willing to kill myself in anger? If you aren’t willing to kill yourself in anger, then how can you take another life?

The spirits don’t see ‘you and me’ they see life. When somebody kills in hatred, they see life taking life.

I smell the reeks of fear

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I didn’t write that hahaha, my icon is allied to that quote in your post.

That makes sense… It just didn’t feel like it was yours :stuck_out_tongue:

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[quote=“NightWizard, post:33, topic:11450”]I realized a couple key things.

Any curse anyone does is ultimately a curse upon themselves.

The reasons for this are the inherent unity of the universe. The interconnectedness of all things.[/quote]

You have just outlined the entire eastern (Hindu & Buddhist) RHP in fine detail there.

What you omitted was that, once one comes down from the mountaintop consciousness of “seeing all as one, all as Self, and self as Self” - the person still has to deal with their reality, which may indeed be full of shitheads. :wink:

As I posted many times (and do need to dig into real soon, as promised):

This is discussed in the Kybalion as the Divine Paradox: the infinite All witnesses the universe as a dream; the finite (us) witnesses the universe as real. To think as God is to be in a state of detached “mountain-top consciousness” which is incompatible with everyday life and everyday consciousness with desires, hopes, etc.

The universe is; and is not - these two poles of truth are the Absolute and the Relative - and half-truths, such as when new-agers play “blame the victim” towards someone who’s manifested an illness, are a trap for feeble minds.

The concept that you create your own reality is only useful when you are on the inside, experiencing it as an empowering belief, and should never be used to dismiss someone else’s cry for help (and that works out logically, as well - if you hear their cry, then by that theory you’ve manifested them into your life and arguably have a partial duty towards them for the event and their suffering, which is also your own manifestation. The only way out of that duty is to make the decision that they and their suffering are completely irrelevant, in effect deleting them from your own reality field by ceasing to care, but that’s not a step most new-agers who tell victims of abuse that they must have manifested it for some reason are willing to take).

This seeming paradox regarding what is, and is not real, is an aspect of the Principle of Polarity described in the Kybalion.

This is why the RHP argument “Everything is as it should be/is according to God’s will” is a cop-out, because what’s right for God/the All/Source is a different thing to what matters to us, the finite differentiated beings who have to deal with it at ground-level.

You, NightWizard, throwing round “fear” like an insult, like less “enlightened” people would simply yell “RETARD!!” :stuck_out_tongue: is kind of a huge RHP red flag - I have nothing against that, but there’s a more fun ways to live! :wink:


I bless you with love and light :wink:



Absolutely agreed,

None of this is about morality

Life takes life, all day, every day… That’s the way of the world.

I have found ways to deal with each and every problem, and I’ve never had to curse anyone or harm anyone.

Doing so does what? Satisfies my desire for vindication? So I can feel like the big powerful man? So I can feel like I’m self-righteous?

I’m not judging anyone for what they’re doing, don’t get me wrong here lol I’m not putting anyone down for doings things differently!

In real life, you can’t let a shit head go on being a shit head… If that’s the case, I move the shit head elsewhere.

I hope it’s clear I’m not an RHPer… Hell, I’m not an LHPer either.

The universe is at it is, yes this is so. But in real life, I am faced with situations in which I must act. No moral code, or code of any kind, prevents me from acting when I need to.

I do not take life though, or harm anyone. The reason for this is because that energy returns to me, and affects me. I’ve seen how people who curse others are affected by the curses they lay.

Vanquishing an enemy by making them my ally is my preferred means of going about.


The spirits are amoral, they have probably committed so much murder for wizards s throughout the centuries that they could be classed as genocidal and now your painting them (falsely) as innocent quire boys. Have you read the attributions of some of the Goetic Demons? A lot of them are born to kill and in particularly nasty ways.

[quote=“NightWizard, post:39, topic:11450, full:true”]

You’re missing some major facts here about evocation, when one summons and commands a Demon , one IS the creator and the destroyer Itself/Ourselves…cop, judge, jury and executioner all in one if need be.

Total pacificism is unnatural.

Christ was unnatural.

You are basically not of the LHP if you subscribe to samsara and karmic debts, it’s basically moral.