Cursed Food, Help Needed Please

Do anyone knows how to remove eaten black magic?

what do you mean?

A black magic eaten that will cause deceased

sorry i donā€™t know. Maybe @DarkestKnight knows?

I donā€™t understand what you are saying. Some kind of food enchanted to cause death?

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Get a priest to bless some Rolaids? AlkaSeltzer in a glass of Holy Water?


Lol this kinda had me rolling ngl :laughing:


You can try a limpia (the Ei method) and a bath in hysop water some hours and use psalm 50 of course using the name of Satan or Lucifer (replacing the name of the abrahamic false one)


illness dear

I try to drink rue & hyssop & psalm 51

i donā€™t get this hahhahah

You have to be more specific. Is it poison, venom, foreign object, that seasoning I like?

Yeah, some clarification is important hereā€¦

What you mean Ei method?

Try blessing some water, draw or print the sigil of the Archangel Raphael and wrap that around the glass or cup, let the water stand for a few minutes, and then drink it asking that the black magick be cast out in bodily wastes and rendered harmless.

You can also use the sigil of the Archangel Michael.

Magick is like a boxing match, you can throw punches back but most people donā€™t know how. How are you doing right now?


Wtf is ā€œeaten black magicā€ :joy:
Do some banishing, cleansing, lbrp

I edited the title, @Luci_Fur please let me know if thatā€™s not correct and it wasnā€™t food, but people just seemed to be riffing off that, and not particularly helpfully, soā€¦ :man_shrugging:


Hiya OP! Do you know what kind of magic was responsible for this? That would allow me to give you a targeted response! :slight_smile:

If not, you can perform a meditation to ā€˜dieā€™ (trigger the perception of death and the afterword) and go through the motions before returning to your life. Most people dont set up their curses to persist to after that point! :slight_smile:

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Thanks :blush:

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In Muslim itā€™s called eaten sihr you can check that on YouTube I ainā€™t muslim though but I also will also try