Creation and Consecration of a "Wishing Book"

Modified Consecration Ritual:

For this ritual, you’ll need a white candle, a cup of water, a small bowl of salt, and incense. Each corresponds to one of the cardinal elements and directions:

North/Earth: salt
East/Air: incense
South/Fire: candle
West/Water: water

If your tradition requires you to cast a circle, do so now. Light the candle and the incense.

Take the book in your hands, and face north. Pass it over the salt and say:

Powers of the North,
Guardians of the Earth,
I consecrate this book
and charge it with your energies.
I purify it this night and make this tool sacred.

Now, turn to the east and, holding the book in the smoke of the incense, say:

Powers of the East,
Guardians of the Air,
I consecrate this book
and charge it with your energies.
I purify it this night and make this tool sacred.

Next, face the south and pass the book over the flame of the candle – be careful it’s a flammable material!

– and repeat the process, saying:

Powers of the South,
Guardians of Fire,
I consecrate this book
and charge it with your energies.
I purify it this night and make this tool sacred.

Finally, turn to the west, and pass your ritual tool over the cup of water. Say:

Powers of the West,
Guardians of Water,
I consecrate this book
and charge it with your energies.
I purify it this night and make this tool sacred.

Face your altar, hold the book to the sky, and say:

I charge this book in the name of Old Ones,
the Ancients, the Sun and the Moon and the Stars.
By the powers of the Earth, of Air, of Fire and of Water
I banish the energies of any previous owners,
and make it new and fresh.
I consecrate this book,
and it is mine. This is my Will. It is done.

Go back to the main ritual at step 4.


I like it! Of course you are writing a new book aren’t you?

It has the cashbook vibe, and you have the framework down.

Which talisman are you settling on?

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I actually wasn’t thinking of writing a book about this topic. I’m just doing an experiment.

Most of the info I got from you all on this forum, the Internet, and yes, I borrowed some ideas from the GOM/Damon Brand “Magickal Cashbook”. It wouldn’t be right to “Write a book” on this so to speak.

On the other hand, GOM/Damon Brand did get most of their info from the Geoff Gray-Cobb NAP book. They seem to get away with publishing books.

I just like to collaborate and share info. That is how discoveries are made. Trying to profit off it as a book is another matter.


@Lady_Eva Mind sending that tutorial to me, too?

@Rahnoren would planetary magick in this wishing book work for long term physical shapeshifting?

Well I’m afraid I have no advice regarding shapeshifting, as I have zero education on the matter. Planetary talismans never need recharging however.

Can you hotlink me over to some shapeshifting info you recommend ?

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My best resources are right here.


In that case I would imagine it works fine. I have never witnessed physical shapeshifting. Looking at @Neploth’s short description I believe he’s downplaying just how much discipline is required. I would imagine this takes time.

The time it takes to master basic shapeshifting would be the perfect opportunity to craft a planetary talisman or a ring.

Honestly, I am unaware of physical shape shifting and thought it akin to melding with your spirit animal to gain some insights and traits. He goes on about invocation however, and with regards to this a talisman and appropriate ritual (of your making) could help make the invocation complete and permanent.

It is all uncharted territory for me.

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Alright. Thx anyway. :slight_smile:



This looks a lot like the theory behind the Book of Agares by S Connolly.

I made a magickal cashbook; bought a Leuchtturm book from Amazon, painted it silver and orange, did all the Hebraic writing of sorts, the moon sigils - wrote out the evocation thing - covered it in sticky back plastic.

I wouldn’t say it was a resounding success as I probably spent more on the actual book, the homemade cashbook and pen than what I received back.

Actually I’m just getting a Family Guy Brian’s “Wish it, Want it, Wank it” or whatever vibe coming on… maybe the thing needed consecrating to something other than Nitika?

Genuinely think that angels have a problem with me but I may need to have another go at some point so long as they don’t start wagging fingers, clucking tongues and flapping their wings at me in high moral dudgeon at the prospect of me finally getting ahead so I can live my own life again!

I want to work with them but WTF is their issue with me? I never looked up their skirts, never pushed one off a cloud, never pulled its wings off…


The Cosmic Ordering Service would probably work well with this idea. They have a form on the site as well:


Yes, I forgot about cosmic ordering - I got my old car back along with lots of other things. It does work as does a vision board.

I have one from a Windmills session (personal development thing) some years back and pretty much everything has come about, although not quite in exactly the way I expected. It’s weird because I looked at the sheet of A3 about 2 weeks ago and realised that even though this was something due to complete in 5 years, that some of it is transitory and that one or two parts are staging posts on a journey to something else.

It’s strange that you reminded me. AND I just bought a book on manifesting a specific person because yes you can do it; I have done it before, many many years ago but I wasn’t sure what I was doing exactly.

Synchronicity at its best!

We are all going to be making these books and sending off our orders for the end of the year aren’t we?


Yes, the author, S. Connolly wrote the “Book of Agares”. I have a copy and it is very much like Damon Brand’s Magickal Cashbook.

I’m going to use her instructions and see if I have any results. She ironically came up to similar conclusions that I came up with in this thread.


Book of Agares:
I used a combination of designs from Damon Brand’s Nitika Cashbook and S. Connolly’s instructions to create mine.

I didn’t want to read all this today, but the little bit on how to make it all happen thanks.

Dra’talon been bugging me to make a Death Note of sorts. Y’all are great :sunglasses:

Back, Inside Back, Inside Front, Front

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I will try this at some point around this month

Wishing book = a amplifying pattern; a notebook and a thoughtform attached to it
~that’s all.

In addition to it, you could attach a symbolic hieronymus machine to it,
idk, maybe within the cover


Hello Lady Eva. Could you PM this tutorial to me also? Thanks.
I just found this topic while searching about the Book of Agares.

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Do you think that putting planetary sigils on wishing book will do the work?