Creating an entity to protect children

I’m kind of curious about this, what makes it low magick? because for someone who wants to protect others could work on themselves to make themselves very much a god of such through the same concept.

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I am worried if you think of low magic/protection magic as just putting up shields.
That is basic energy work and does have nothing to do with the ritualistic of it.

But we are talking about protecting through magic, not protecting in general.

You get satisfaction derived from the raising of oxytocin, but you keep losing energy if we are talking about protection magic.

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Because we are talking about the use of magic to protect children, which is on topic with OP’s post.
Otherwise I would have opened an ethical post about safeguarding vulnerable people.

Of course not. But “Protecting all the children” and what then? What comes after? I only (probably) wanted to express that “protecting children” exclusively is well meant but on the short side of longterm thinking. You can’t protect something until a certain age and give it a good smack on the shoulders wishing it well on its further way but now protecting time is over :thinking: (I mean, I WOULD do that, but on the other side I am a horrible person per se)


That’s what I mean, what makes it low magick?

How can an aim to protect an unspecified number of people through unspecified aims be high magic?
Where is the alchemical process here? Or are you implying you would be doing the dirty alchemical work on these children? That would be borderline parasite hostage mindset.

I am not saying people shouldn’t protect children. I am talking about exhausting oneself’s energy reserves to do something without an aim, or with an aim that may delay the person becoming a god.

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It was an example.

I was talking about magic too.

No, I think we’re not talking about the same thing.
Can we simply agree to disagree.

Well, of course not. When a child learns how to walk it will fall several times and get hurt. If you hold their hands all the time, your child will never be able to walk alone. Of course you cannot protect a child from any danger and then go like “There, now you’re 18, you know nothing of the world and can’t live independently, but hey!”
But protecting children from serious harm that will break them? What in hell is the problem with that? Yes, we live in a world with criminals and you will never be able to protect all children from that. But that doesn’t mean you have to sit around and do nothing. You can do that of course, no offense, but you don’t have to.

I know you’re not but like, it might aid their process in becoming a “god” it’s unlikely that everyone has to follow the same way, this could very well be a step in their alchemical process. I am simply curious of your view as to why you stated what you stated. I don’t really view magick as high or low, but what you said made me curious.

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Then why not focusing on becoming a god yourself and once you are there, become the patron guardian of protected children or something like that?

I get you there, but then even the born Gods had to practice and develop their skill over the specific subjects to be capable of doing more in it’s regards. So I assume it’s similar for people who aim to become ‘gods’ because what’s the point of being the patron of something you have little experience over or ability to do because of last minute practicing it…but you do have a good point.

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But how can you progress in the way of becoming a god if for that you need energy that you are spending solely/mostly in other errands or in other people’s agendas?

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There’s many ways a person can use energy, they can cultivate their own energy by using external energy as one way, or even incorporate sigils, servitors, and constructs to act as energy storages of external energy, or one that helps cultivate their energy to replace what’s being used. It’s similar to how some born Gods have their own races under them to help carry out their will, people can have servitors and such carry out theirs.

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But you are assuming people have that amount of energy.
Or are you suggesting something more sinister that involves draining and stealing energy for these purposes?

Uuuuh, now I am listening.

Using energy from sources such as ambient energy, the planets, and such isn’t sinister lol, however, everyone has enough energy to at least make a servitor or two (just to be clear I don’t consider servitors to be real entities like some do) however, I won’t deny there are some people within the occult community that create macro sigils around their towns that siphon energy from all who live in it. I wouldn’t suggest that.

That is a tad way too general.

You don’t need to do that even consciously. Entropy does it for you, and it lacks the intensity that the energy of a raging person has (to put an example).

The problem with it is that a big chunk of energy gets lost during the process. A pity.

It’s suppose to be, servitors aren’t hard to make, they’re literally just psiballs that have been shaped and formed into different ways. You make it like making a servitor is some Godly power when it’s the first thing you learn in energy manipulation lol.

The human body naturally absorbs ambient energy, however, in varying quantities, however, doing it actively or with a servitor you control how much it takes it and what it does with it. You don’t control what your body naturally does with it.

Possibly, depending on how it’s done.

I was talking about your assumptions about people’s energy reserves, not the servitors.

Who the fuck said that?:grin:.

And do you reckon that is enough for more sinister purposes? Because I reckon that it is never is enough.

There is no clean way of doing it to guarantee a 100% use of that energy.

That’s what I mean, everyone’s energy reserve is surely above a simple capability to make a servitor, otherwise, they’d be pretty much useless. I am the last person to believe everyone has the same potential, some more than others. However, I also believe everyone has reserves that make making a servitor something akin to child’s play. How many they can make in a given time? well that is when it depends on potential.

Well given I don’t really know what you mean by sinister purposes because I can’t view purposes by means of sinister or not sinister since even when someone is working to help others theyre also working to help themselves by doing such. So sinister is a bit out of the blue for my thought process.

Trial and error is the defining part of progressing in energetic ordeals, so that’s understandable.

I am not talking about the reserves to make a servitor or even an egregore.

You were talking about protection magic and the use of energy and servitors to do that, but first of all, I don’t reckon a servitor alone could do such a big task, and secondly I doubt that a servitor can efficiently create an alchemical process into children in an effective manner.

It would be better to invest in an egregore or in a bigger picture plan, I don’t reckon servitors would be enough.

To me sinister relates to the LHP and antinomianism focused aims.

But through an energetic process of transferring of energy, there is always residual energy left, as well as a small exchange in a bigger or smaller way.

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Just wanted to add bud, low magic, as defined by the pre-Christian Theurgists, is anything that is not related to High Magic, or your ultimate goal, be it Henosis or Apotheosis. So any magic not related to your sort of spiritual alchemy, is inherently a low magic, from that point of view.