So I was thinking about making a witch bottle as a decoy. Common instructions for making one say that I have to include something of myself (hair, urine, nail clippings, etc) or something I own, like a piece of fabric from my clothes. What I’m worried about is that it might work like a taglock, and of course, why would I wanna give attackers free access to me?
There must be a better way to create a double. How do you program and instruct an object to become a convincing spiritual doppelganger so that it will receive any attack that’s aimed at you?
Maybe like, program your spell bottle like “every evil send to me will go to this bottle which will transmute into gold and my glory”
So not just absorb bad juju but transmute it into your favor.
Maybe use obsidian and black tourmaline or crystal absorb energy for base, i heard obsidian transmute energy they absorb too. You can top the base with any crystal/herb you choice. Its up to you.
I don’t do this with physical things, I make decoy thoughtforms and have them hang out in the astral appearing to do mundane things I’d be doing like gardening or making food. I got the idea off E.A. from one of his livestreams.
Look up how to create servitors or get a book on it.
I have spirit bottles as a separate thing, those are called traps but they’re more like shiny distractions. It doesn’t matter what they look like, they are not decoys they’re just supposed to be more interesting to play with than me.
Witch bottles, as I unterstand it are for cursing, like a Euro version of sour jars in voodoo or santeria.
It definitely makes sense that you would have concerns about using such items in a witch bottle. After all, you wouldn’t want to give an attacker access to your physical self.
A potential solution would be to create a poppet-like replica of yourself that represents your spiritual essence instead of using items that are directly tied to your physical body. You could use a piece of clothing or other material to simulate the essence of your physical body. You could also incorporate protective symbols and affirmations into the creation of the poppet to create a protective shield around it.
Hello. If I understand correctly, you want something to take the hit for you if you’re jinxed.
Take a poppet and name it after yourself. Say something along the lines of “Your name is (name). You become me. You are me. You absorb all negative energy, jinxes, hexes and curses directed at me. When you are burned, all negative energy you took in that was directed at me will be reversed back to the sender.”
Place the poppet somewhere nice where it can live. When it’s taken in a lot of negative energy you can burn the poppet.