Create your own astral cord

Excuse me for my arrogance, master.

Just want to astral project and ascend there. Easier to hear spirits and see energy. Right now In this physical form, I am blocked by the human brain from seeing and hearing. There it won’t be as bad.

Even @DarkestKnight talks about it here

Wow, you really don’t have a clue, do you?

All of those things you listed, are accomplishments that take actual adepts decades to properly learn, and even then, most of them fail to survive after death.

You cannot ascend on the astral plane. You are deluding yourself. To ascend, you would have to be able to move passed the astral into the upper realms, and you cannot do that if you limit yourself.

You really need to do some studying and research because you obviously have no idea what you’re even talking about.


@anon48079295 taught me that second death is not even real

Uh huh.

Keep telling yourself that. :roll_eyes:

You only hear what you want to hear.

I’m out, This is going around in circles and not going anywhere. We’re just repeating ourselves, so do what you want, but stop asking the same questions over and over again.

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Dammit, @anon48079295

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I don’t believe in second death, only concept of second death I believe in is soul death. I don’t believe in the concept that is usually discussed here. As it seems it just causes a lot of newbies to get scared of something they don’t know about.


@anon48079295 Why did you give him the ultimate secret?


Godamn it, @anon48079295!

Now, being serious, Pollo, my man, you have a few issues here. Do you see how people is always speaking about “lust for results” when casting a spell and how it can make the spell fail? Well, I think that’s what’s going on here. You want it so much, that you’re sabotaging yourself.

Also, stop believeing everything you read on the internet. Calm down a little, focus on one thing for whatever time you need, achieve it and then go for the next.

Sincerely, your friend Cuervo.