Create your own astral cord

Many say there is no such thing as an astral cord. Is it possible to create one? Focus the consciousness from soul down to energy body and down to physical body. Channel all that energy into one cord and cut off the connection of energy body to physical one?

Dude, you are NOT going to be able to send your consciousness to flit around the astral without dying, no matter how many rimes you ask the same damn question.


Man I have never seen someone as crazy as you are.

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But cutting the astral cord causes you to die

No, it doesn’t. That is RHP propaganda.


That is why I am asking if you can create on that does hold your consciousness in your body. Then snip it and disconnect. Body is gone.

Maybe we should say yes to every question you asked :thinking:

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Like design a cord for that purpose to connect your etheric body to physical one.

Why design something that’s allready there? If you buy a hot dog at two different hot dog stands, it’s still a hot dog and they both taste the same.




The concept of the silver cord is simply a safety mechanism created to help people get over the fear of being permanently separated from their body. It’s only as real as you think it is.

Creating a cord won’t do anything.

You have some absolutely bizarre ideas about what the astral actually is. If you really want to leave the physical so badly without actual death, bash your head in. Lots of coma patients talk about floating above their body when in that state.


So many people say there is no such thing. So this is just in case it is a myth

I don’t want to damage for ameinial.

Hell, the silver cord thing is something people make themselves out of some propaganda that without it you’ll get lost.




So does it become real if you think it is?

It’s just energy, it doesn’t change your experience in the astral, it’s literally a placebo effect. “if I make this energetic cord I’ll be safe” it’s tricking the mind to cope with some bs.


If you want to experience the astral world, work with your astral senses. Whether you wanna see, hear or feel spirits, that’s where you have to start.

There’s no need to worry about the “silver cord”, because your mind is the connection to your physical body as well as it is your mind that keeps you from not getting lost. You can get pretty far in the astral plane as long as you focus on the experience. When you lose focus, or chose to not go further, you pop right back to your body.


I want to astral and not come back. If my energy body stops bringing prana or life force to my physical body then i don’t have to come back.

Even while you’re projected your body is still living, breathing, it’s as if you’re just asleep.


Thats dying.

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