Crazy fast for an absolute amateur...thanks to all and especially Bune!

Hi Guys…so, I joined this site just a month or so ago and even though I’ve had some very “minor” occult experiences well in the past, I know/understand virtually nothing. I hadn’t even heard of LHP, sigils or anything like that when I joined and frankly I didn’t even realize why I sought out or found this (BALG) special place. During the last several weeks I’ve been trying to read, learn, and absorb absolutely ever thing that I can here, even the stuff I found odd or slightly uncomfortable. Btw, this is only like my third post. The first, an introduction. The second, a question about an imaginary phone ringing and waking me up while deep in the dream state (which could either be something trying to reach me or simply “exploding head syndrome”). And now this one. Sorry for being wordy, I’m just giddy with excitement and floored with how things work out.

So, earlier this week, I decided that I wanted to try a simple sigil work, one associated with a God/Demon/Ancient spirit of some sort. I have some minor financial obligations that are coming due so I thought I might as well do something concerning short term financial gain, nothing really heavy. I actually have always been fond of the Norse deities but for some reason I started to google the 72 demons of the Ars Goetia. While scrolling through the various images and descriptions, it was obvious that Duchess Bune caught my attention…I couldn’t stop staring at or thinking about her/his(?) beautiful sigil! I decided this past Tuesday (7/10) to start.

So, that Tuesday afternoon, I relaxed, meditated for a bit (i’m absolutely horrible at meditation) and then followed E.A.'s 7 step guide …

Followed this guide to the best of my ability. Drew the sigil in the least artistic way imaginable, charged it, got it to “flash”, verbalized what I wished of Bune. That was it. I felt ok about things, I caught a feel of a slight rise in energy and the tingly vibrations that I’ve always associated with mediation and “pre” astral projection (which I can never seem to actually accomplish). Later, I started to really study up on Bune with information that I’ve gleaned mostly from here. And I kinda felt a little bad, I wasn’t demanding or rude in my approach, but no offerings or explanation on why I was even asking these things of Bune. Maybe that’s ok, but If I don’t catch myself I can be prone to extreme bouts of guilt…clearly something I need to work on.

So, the next evening (Wednesday) I decided to do a proper yet simpl summoning to, at the very least, express my gratitude that Bune was listening to me. So, I preformed this …

Followed this most excellent guide to the best of my ability, thanked Bune for her/his presence and for listening to such to me, an individual who clearly is a beginner and unadept, although sincere, at such things. Things went well, felt the energy uptick and vibrations but didn’t see anything (had a really hard time at visualizing the figure/vessel) and didn’t hear anything audible or otherwise. This got me really juiced however, and I didn’t go to sleep until around 3:30 am. I woke up the next morning from what was a very sensual/erotic dream (tanned blond female/stranger…doesn’t sound like Bune so this could be random) that was maybe more soothing and comforting that sexual.

So, yesterday (Thursday) I kinda spent the day obsessing over Bune’s magnificent sigil. I found several video’s on Youtube with the sigil flashing, the enn chanting, things like that. Watched that stuff for several hours. Also, I kept the sigil that I had made earlier and spent a good amount of time meditating over it. So much so that I fell asleep last night while doing so.

So today (Friday) things happened. Two previous deals (long dead) and an estranged partnership suddenly were manifested to fruition! The sum total amount of money from these two events about doubled what was originally asked for. Mind you, these funds came from outside of my typical day-today business affairs. So WOW!!! Things happened and happened quickly! Obviously I’m not tuned in very well and don’t have the ability to see/hear/feel things but it seems that matters little when the spirits mean business. So, THANK YOU BUNE!!!

Now for a couple of quick questions

-I really need to summon Bune for a formal “thank you” with offering and gifts. I’ve read what Bune prefers but don’t really know what to do with those offerings once I’m done with the ritual. Also, I don’t have a proper alter or anything like that. Suggestions and information concerning this are very welcome!
-With this recent happening, I need to start formulating a daily routine concerning magick. I need to take such things seriously! I’ve not done anything like this before, not even rune casting or candle magic. There’s probably an appropriate starting point to all of this and suggestions on this are welcome as well.

Sorry to be long winded, thanks all for listening!!!


You can place your offerings together with Bunes sigil just anywhere, maybe your nightstand or something. You can bury the offerings or burn them (depends on what you offer, of course. I have a bracelet for example that I always use when thanking Bune. I just lay it out on the altar together with the “consumable” offerings), once you are done with them.


Thanks for the advice Oddnan!

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