Could I be a demon?

Not all mental stuff is psychic awareness. A lot of the time it’s legitimate mental issues.


Okay. That’s fair. Thank you

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Ever hear Terrance Mcenna talk about schizophrenia !!!

What helped me the most was a combination of mental health services and magic. I like to use all the tools available to become the best me.


That is blatently false. You may have gotten a rough time, but the professionals I saw when i was younger were very understanding and accepting of spiritual practice. The allegations you are making are dangerous and out right wrong.


Well I’m just saying it’s best to not claim they’re haunted by a demon when you don’t know. Just because you believe you’re Lucifer doesn’t mean you know what a person is going through and if it’s purely metaphysical or any form of it.

However, I’ll stop diverting the thread at this point.


I beg anyone depressed or feeling down to o the LBRP, and one gets an instant boost, everything physical begins in the spiritual realms, so what this person is suffering is spiritual, they are under attack period. Banishing the voices is a start, i take no joy in seeing weak people suffer.

My bellies healing

I don’t think he’s wrong. I think you’re subjecting others to your opinions based on your subjective experience with therapists.

I am the same as you , i am on different meds for a coupla different issues. Now Im not saying that these issues were not to do with being open to different spirits or realms, i think thats entirely possible but for these things can be a helluva an assault on the senses where you cant deal with mundane reality because of all you are experiencing. I agree with you, once you are mentally stable you are then in a position to work with magic. As for doing the lbrp for depression, that is not an option for some people who cant even get out of bed or are being monitored in a psyche ward for depression. I think to the poster who suggested that its very dangerous, you may have experienced depression but not all who experience it experience it on the same level. As individuals we must do what we need for our mental and spiritual wellbeing, there is no one fix all.

I had to see a pro as a kid. Though it’s in my name. Banjax Doolali. Literally translated, “Fucked up and crazy”.


What if i say demons are the good guys ?

and you want just attention ?

what is too “evil” to god ?

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@anon47811056, you started this so please be big enough to make sure you apologize. You didn’t even answer the question posted you just jumped over someone’s personal opinion. If your’e going to be constructive, then by all means speak but if your just here to de-rail a thread I promise your not welcome here.


My point was regarding this:

to which Banjax replied:

It was thus on topic since I pointed out he was projecting his subjective experiences onto other people.

Exactly he is sharing HIS experience in the hopes of providing and answer and in a forum we are allowed to agree or disagree with others. This is healthy.

What is not healthy is name calling. You’ve been here 5 minutes and don’t know anyone yet, so i ask you to be civil. That’s all!


Just wanted to touch base with you since this is your topic, are you finding any of what is being said useful or helpful in any way? We all care about you is the underlying message in our posts :slight_smile:

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This seems like common sense to me:

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Healthy debate is good, a difference of opinion makes things interesting. It is interesting to hear other views without things derailing into nonsense he said she said. Most of us should be emotionally mentally and spiritually mature enough to take part in discussions in a mature manner that adds value rather than detracts from it.


Lady Eve and Banjax I believe handled this already, I agree with Banjax because it’s not good to tell someone they’re being haunted by demons because some guy thinks he’s Lucifer and can tell such. That’s can cause a whole mess of worms. It’s best to assess the mundane than jump to supernatural causes for someone’s emotional and mental health.


Yeah, you’re probably not a demon, man.

You may want to understand your mind in more depth to understand your motivations. There may be some unresolved issues for you to clear.

Take care of your mental health. Consider visiting a professional doctor if you find yourself having uncontrollable urges or the need to self-harm or harm others.