Could I be a demon?

Ive had a really awful experience of life and was wondering if i could possibly be a demon and that this suffering is sort of a punishment or otherwise a penance in order to become holy or at least less evil.
There’s 2 possibilities I think… either I was born a demon or I have become one and people seem to know this about me on a subconscious level and treat me like i’m evil/crazy/retarded/etc… it’s true that I have traits that are generally frowned upon… Id rather not be too specific, but I have issues with rage and hate and desires for violence sometimes.
If I am a demon, what can I do to become holy or at least less evil? I’d really like to be an angel instead, one with beautiful magic power of light and healing and love.
Im christian, but God seems to have abandoned me and again it makes me wonder if i have become too evil for him to love.
Thank you


I mean some people are demons in terms of their soul but being demon doesn’t mean your suffering is some kind punishment. That’s mostly just circumstantial poor cards you were dealt. Demons don’t fit into that Christian ideology of holy or evil, demons are like humans just as any race. Their morality and beliefs are their own individually.

The whole God has abandoned me is just one of many people who have come to say that. You’re Christian which is understandable but I wouldn’t blame demons or Your god for why your experiencing what you experience, that’s just life and either letting it stay or using your free will to make it change.


You can exorcise the being in you but its a long penance of good behavior, good thoughts , good deeds , good actions, and in the end, you will be walked all over for being a good soul, best thing you can do is be proud of what you are , find other like minded people and expand your knowledge of who you are and how you can use your demonic potential for your benefit.


Thats the part I would focus on before you deal with the rest. Are you currently under the supervision of a professional medical doctor?

You are not a demon, but you think you are the classical version of a christian one. Don’t let this thought you have consume you and again seek the help of professional medical doctor?


Ask yourself, do you feel guilty for the things you have done or do you feel god is punishing you for being a bad person, either way, you have a victim mentality, stop caring, try to switch off your compassion and empathy for others, especially those who don’t treat you well. Look out for number one.

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I get the feeling this person is punishing themselves and through their thoughts because we make our own reality , is creating the hell in their life because they believe for whatever reason they deserve it.

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Have you read both intro’s?

As in registration???

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Yeah, shite, they in the wrong place here.

That’s what happens when you try and throw metaphysical bs at something unrelated.

Here’s some healthy advice from an actual dark prince, you are not a demon but you are being haunted by one or more, trauma leaves scars and holes in auras which let these beings into your head an speak to you but all you hear is your inner voice thinking its you but its them feeding on your misery.

If you want to get better, every time you feel attacked or have negative thoughts running through your head, do the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the pentagram is better than any Valium or anti depressant, trust me , try it once and instantaneously you will feel better. Find it on YT and do it right away, it works, do it i swear and come back an tell if it worked.

You didn’t fuck with me so i take no enjoyment in your misery.


Its clear they are under demonic attack, LBRP would be perfect, no!

Please don’t try and theorize this with metaphysical bullshit if you don’t know exactly what’s up. You’re going to make it worse. It’s unlikely you actually know what’s going on. It’s not obvious it’s an assumption. There are a plethora of possibilities that can even be mundane.


You need professional help and to actually listen to your therapists. No amount of magic will help you until you help yourself.


Ive been in the mental health system and its a fucking joke ok, the LBRP is better than any fucking pill or counseling.


No, you’re probably just a person having a shitty life. It happens, which is sad, but you can make things better over time, provided you don’t give up. :heart_decoration:


Advocating the LBRP over actual professional help? That’s not only unequivocally idiotic, it’s dangerous. You just need to stop.


I’m sorry but based on some things you say it’s best you try not to act like you’re qualified to assume it’s metaphysical when it could be mundane.


Everyone feels these but they can be harder for some people to control, and feel very strong.

Professional help exists for this, you’re not alone, though it may feel that way. You can help yourself by seeking out things which make you feel calmer and more in control. It’s likely that black magick isn’t one of those things, but mindfulness and anything which increases your feelings of cautious optimism about the future will help.


Im telling them to try it and see it makes them feel better, i was on anti depressants and did the LBRP instead, guess which worked better.

The mental health system is there to mess with peoples heads, if you are aany way magical or physic they will convince you you are crazy, even though most if not all in the system and in secret orders.

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