Could I be a demon?

What if i say demons are the good guys ?

and you want just attention ?

what is too “evil” to god ?

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@anon47811056, you started this so please be big enough to make sure you apologize. You didn’t even answer the question posted you just jumped over someone’s personal opinion. If your’e going to be constructive, then by all means speak but if your just here to de-rail a thread I promise your not welcome here.


My point was regarding this:

to which Banjax replied:

It was thus on topic since I pointed out he was projecting his subjective experiences onto other people.

Exactly he is sharing HIS experience in the hopes of providing and answer and in a forum we are allowed to agree or disagree with others. This is healthy.

What is not healthy is name calling. You’ve been here 5 minutes and don’t know anyone yet, so i ask you to be civil. That’s all!


Just wanted to touch base with you since this is your topic, are you finding any of what is being said useful or helpful in any way? We all care about you is the underlying message in our posts :slight_smile:

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This seems like common sense to me:

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Healthy debate is good, a difference of opinion makes things interesting. It is interesting to hear other views without things derailing into nonsense he said she said. Most of us should be emotionally mentally and spiritually mature enough to take part in discussions in a mature manner that adds value rather than detracts from it.


Lady Eve and Banjax I believe handled this already, I agree with Banjax because it’s not good to tell someone they’re being haunted by demons because some guy thinks he’s Lucifer and can tell such. That’s can cause a whole mess of worms. It’s best to assess the mundane than jump to supernatural causes for someone’s emotional and mental health.


Yeah, you’re probably not a demon, man.

You may want to understand your mind in more depth to understand your motivations. There may be some unresolved issues for you to clear.

Take care of your mental health. Consider visiting a professional doctor if you find yourself having uncontrollable urges or the need to self-harm or harm others.


whispers from the background
Sha :clap:t2: dow :clap:t2: work :clap:t2:
(whenever the OP is ready, of course. Seriously, that shit fucks one up in addition)


Hey can i ask ( sorry for derailing!) Have you done shadow work? If so, how long did the process take? Its something ive been thinking about for some time.


Yes, and partly I am still working with it.

Eh, the major process (you know, the one where you want to quit just everything and go away and stuff) actual took weeks to a few months. Mine was topped with panic attacks I had to figure out.


I think ive already started it then on some level :rofl: thankyou. The only thing i worry about is immersing yourself so much in the shadows that it has a negative effect on your present, but I know in the long run its supposed to be very beneficial.

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You might encounter some negative/destructive effects on the present, yes. But in the end it actually shows you what you stored away for a longer period of time and what destroys you from the inside while you look away. It will make you most uncomfortable for certain but if Oddnan can do it (while lying on the floor and sobbing “I can’t do it” “I can’t take this anymore” “I CAN’T”) you can do it, too! :+1:t2:


Haha thankyou :blush::black_heart:

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It’s so not fun.

For real

You step on a lot of legos when you prance barefoot through your darkness



I have removed insulting comments attacking the person, not the topic itself, and responses to those, while leaving the text which was on topic in place, and added a single capital T to this post by @anon47811056 in order to prevent a sentence beginning with a lower-case letter.

My motivation here is to protect balance in this discussion.

I appreciate this is a topic which generates strong emotions based on personal experience because I have been there myself with “diagnoses” of things I was later able to fix myself.

But there is a human being here asking for support and that has to come first. So dial it down with the insults.


I stay clear of medical advice and giving my opinion of someones state of mind because I am not them. Only they know what they go through. I’ll share an actual experience as as an example or guide to a resource that can actually benefit someone.

What I don’t do is de-rail peoples threads, pick fights with other members, and cause a general sensationalism just because I’m bored at home.


Born a demon? What!? What are all these people going on about? Reading through all this, what your discussing has nothing to do with magic or the demonic but your own self hatred. You seem depressed because you have been bullied and have anger flashes and anger management issues.

I am sorry you’re an unhappy person. This isn’t demonic infestation or torment from a hex, you don’t have any of the signs, this isn’t a possession born with a demonic gene but your own unhappy life.


Okay, i seem to find my way to threads like this so allow me to break this down and cover all the bases i can.

First off, to answer the initial question “can i be a demon?” Well, the origins of the word demon comes from the greek word daemon, which roughly translates to spirit (or as Socrates put it “divine principle or genius”). Seeing as you are essentially a spirit wearing a suit of flesh to exist in this world, you certainly can be considered a demon. The whole brimstone, horns and pitchfork aspects were just a politically convenient way of encouraging others not to worship beings not approved by the ruling power at the time. In that sense of the word, no you are not a demon. Just a troubled soul who has walked through hell to get here.

Now, no one on this forum can provide psychological help. That is not our job and resources have been provided for such as above. We can suggest rituals that may help but the actual treatment you will have to find else where. As always, I recommend the better help app if you are struggling financially to get said help.

That being said, I have written something in the past that helped me when I was in a dark time where my life could have very easily ended. It is a bit extreme but sometimes extreme measures cause big effects. DO NOT USE IT AS A SUBSTITUTE FOR PROFESSIONAL HELP. I will not be responsible for it. Instead, use it as a supplement for your healing process. Hopefully it helps in some way